Looking forward to this support!

mysgyn Posts: 4 Member
I joined today and am looking forward to the accountability!
I have lost about 35 lbs and am stuck! I want to lose another 35 :)

My goal, besides health, is to have a good weight to have another child. With my first, I gained way too much and therefore she grew as well :P I want to have another child but know I need to start from a better place, health and weightwise.

We have our first garden this year and am looking forward to fresh veg to help with that goal!!

Nice to meet everyone!!



  • Ladydi1982
    Ladydi1982 Posts: 218 Member
    Good luck with everything!
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Best of wishes! The garden is a fabulous idea!!
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    welcome and you'll really enjoy it here. The accountability factor is what really motivates me along with the terrific people for support and motivation.
  • SandyLee1961
    SandyLee1961 Posts: 133 Member
    Welcome! As VixFit stated having to account not only to yourself - but your friends on here - everything that you put in your mouth and the fact you did or did not exercise is a HUGE bonus. You'll be motivated, challenged (in a good way) and given tons of support. So, welcome aboard to your new lifestyle :) Friend me if you wish :)
  • paperbagprincess
    Good luck Jenn! you came to the right place. The support here is by far the best I've seen yet! :D
  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    Good luck Jenn! you came to the right place. The support here is by far the best I've seen yet! :D

    I agree it's awesome here!
  • h2onut
    h2onut Posts: 164
    Welcome! The support here is second to none! Friend request sent:D