Am I losing disproportionately?

I work out 4 days a week. Monday is Tae Bo, Tuesday is arm weights, jump roping and ab work, Wednesday is either spinning or whatever else I decide to do, and Thursday is a personal training fitness class with various strength work, squats, core, etc. I can see definition in my arms and back, but feel the bottom half of me isn't keeping up. I lost most of my weight with the ellipticals before I even started with weights. What's the deal? I can definitely feel my quads have strengthened, but the rest of my butt, thighs, hips, don't seem to be losing as much as I would like...definitely nowhere being toned up yet as much as my arms and back. I definitely carry my weight more there, which is probably why I'm losing slow...and I know I'm losing because I'm down 4-5 pant sizes. Any advice? I know since Easter, I've been high on sugar, which I know I need to cut excuses. Help!



  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    We are all shaped differently and our fat is distributed differently. It will all shrink eventually. hang in there!
  • chnkydnknmomma
    I'm not real sure, but I always lose/tone on top way before the bottom. I lost the bulk of my inches so far in my belly & hips, but I'm thinking because they are the biggest parts of my body they will take the longest to really show a difference...ask your trainer, I'm sure he or she can give you advice on how to get them to tone up more.

    Good luck
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    Most of my fat collects in my belly area, and that is the hardest for me to lose. You cannot spot reduce, so I just suggest that you throw in a little more cardio along with some more leg and butt exercises. I used to think that the more sit ups I did the faster my belly would go away, but I was wrong. So now I do A TON of cardio which includes a LOT of strength training too. I am doing the P90x program right now, so I dont have to plan out my own workouts, which I LIKE A LOT, because I had a hard time doing that before! :ohwell:
    Hopefully I was a help to you:smile:
  • Allison128
    Allison128 Posts: 116 Member
    OMG! I am pretty top heavy to begin with. I lost a lot of weight using MFP and my boobs never shrunk! OMG I looked so stupid! I was small everywhere but my "girls". I looked like a porn star. Eventually, Freaking weeks later, my boobs started shrinking too. I notice more of a weightloss then and so did everyone else.

    In time, in time. Now I look pretty porportionate! Good luck!
  • jfarmer1226
    jfarmer1226 Posts: 16 Member
    Are you doing squats and lunges regularly? That is what tones me up on the bottom the fastest. If you carry most of your weight on the will take longer to notice the toning b/c you need to lose the fat first. I would add running into your workout schedule at least 2 times a reallly helps burn fat in the legs and make them leaner....and that is when you will start to notice the toning in your legs & butt. Good luck!!
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    We are all shaped differently and our fat is distributed differently. It will all shrink eventually. hang in there!

    Yeap, what she said :happy:
  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    I find that I lose in reverse order of the way I gained. The newest flab seems to burn off first.
  • busa_girl
    busa_girl Posts: 9 Member
    I hate to be the barer of not so good news, however as a trainer myself, there is nothing you can do about it as there is no way to "spot train" for downsizing but to keep focusing on trimming down in general. Eventually the body will burn it from there when it has little else to take it from. The only "spot training" that exists is in building muscle, which is partially the burn you feel in that area. Every person is different in there genetic make up, some are lucky and are predisposed to carry weight evenly, some, the body focusses on storing it on the abdomen ... yours seems to be the butt, thighs and hips. Keep at it ... with all that you are doing, make sure you get LOTS of rest and recovery time and the body will take it from where you want it to go.

    Be careful with heavy leg exercises as while you build the muscle, it will appear to not be reducing.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    My inch losses tend to shift. I will lose lots off lowe body 1 month then my upper body the next month
    and then sometimes i will lose a bit all over.
  • hclayton46
    hclayton46 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks everyone for your responses. Good advice!
  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    Sometimes women who carry more body fat on their hips, thighs, and butt may be estrogen dominate. To remedy this, you have to let the diet do the work for you by eliminating sugar (even fruit) or at least reducing your intake. When we consume too much sugar it will cause the pancreas to secrete insulin, which leads to a drop in blood sugar because the body is trying to maintain homeostasis. Insulin promotes fat storage and decreases growth hormone. For all of our hormones (estrogen) to function properly, there must be a constant balance.

    What I'm saying is... eliminate sugar.