do I really need to join the gym and purchase weights?



  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Yard sales and thrift stores.

    On the water bottle idea - not sure what weight would be, but if you can find some rocks/pebbles/dirt to fill the bottles with, I would think it would be a heavier weight. Also, go for the 20 ounce bottles - even from diet drinks...
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    Not sure about America but in Australia we have a group of websites called freecycle. People put up stuff they no longer want for free collection and in turn people also put up requests for stuff. I got a boxing set up for $0.

    Also google DIY suspension trainer. A couple of bucks in rope and you have a great work out system.

    If all that fails, walks, run, swim, push ups, dips, lunges etc.

    (I noticed you said you were told in order to lose the fat from around your arms you need to do weights? Don't listen to this. Firstly, you can get stronger by using body weight training, and secondly, we can't "train" our body to lose fat in certain areas. Watch what you eat, train your entire body (strength AND cardio), and you will look damn fine)