Weight loss pills



  • embym
    embym Posts: 65
    Maybe try a natural pill for the placebo effect :)
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    I use alli and have not noticed any side effects, other than if you do go way over in fat you can tell when you go to the bathroom. I like that I have to watch my fat intake with it though it keeps me aware of what I am eating!
  • sarahrn2003
    sarahrn2003 Posts: 2 Member
    My family physician prescribed me phentermine after a 25 pound weight gain following a thyroid imbalance. I was on it for a couple months it really helped me.Since now my thyroid hormones are in check, I kept off the weight and am now working on taking off the rest... on my own (running and diet)

    Pros: completely took away my appetite. I had to force myself to eat.
    Cons: If I didn't force myself to eat, I felt lightheaded.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Lol ok so by now most of the pill "haters" know me, and hate me :-D

    ANYWHO I have used phentermine with great success, it has a RISK of high blood pressure but so does drinking a caffeinated beverage. I have also Used Oxy Elite Pro and LOVE it (this one is OTC) I do not get "high" or "jittery" (though I did learn to not even combine phetermine and a coke... unless you want crazy pingy upbeat Heather, like more then normal upbeat, you wonder if Ive turned into a bouncy ball kind of upbeat) I would NEVER, EVER, EVER use hydroxycut again :)

    NOW my preachey portion. You NEED to use the pills as an AIDE not a miracle or Yes you will gain it back. For many of us when learning to eat right & in smaller portions a diet aide is VERY helpful. We also can learn which foods fill us up quicker (and if youre spacey or have a child writing this down really is helpful) enabling us to make better food choices when we stop our "diet pills"

    So Now I shall climb off my soap box and allow the pill haters to jump on
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    PLease note: OxyElite Pro has 100mg of caffeine

    *runs to check her can of coke*

    a 12 oz can of coca cola classic has 34mg of caffeine

    One OxyElite = 2.94 cans of coke (ok lets call it 3 cans!)

    So when you hit max dose of oxyelite (3 pills a day) = 9 cans of coke for CAFFEINE VALUE without the other crap

    .... suddenly realizes why she isnt having caffeine wihdrawal this time around
  • I was on a plateau for over a month and I used OxyElite Pro and I LOVE it!! In the 8 weeks I was on it (finished my last pill today) I lost about 18 lbs, and 8 inches all over! I of course exercised as well. I do not plan to use it again since I am only 7 lbs away from my goal, but for anyone who needs a kick start I would suggest these pills =)
  • Lol ok so by now most of the pill "haters" know me, and hate me :-D

    ANYWHO I have used phentermine with great success, it has a RISK of high blood pressure but so does drinking a caffeinated beverage. I have also Used Oxy Elite Pro and LOVE it (this one is OTC) I do not get "high" or "jittery" (though I did learn to not even combine phetermine and a coke... unless you want crazy pingy upbeat Heather, like more then normal upbeat, you wonder if Ive turned into a bouncy ball kind of upbeat) I would NEVER, EVER, EVER use hydroxycut again :)

    NOW my preachey portion. You NEED to use the pills as an AIDE not a miracle or Yes you will gain it back. For many of us when learning to eat right & in smaller portions a diet aide is VERY helpful. We also can learn which foods fill us up quicker (and if youre spacey or have a child writing this down really is helpful) enabling us to make better food choices when we stop our "diet pills"

    So Now I shall climb off my soap box and allow the pill haters to jump on

    I SOOOOO agree I def. use it ONLY as an aide and decided that I would only use it this once, and not start back on it after only one round of use, and at this point I don't need to and am so glad that it did what I hoped it would and that was to give me a boost.
  • I am currently taking Green Tea Fat Burner... It makes me alert,gives me energy,and curbs my appetite. I have sleep apnea so I wake up still exausted. I usually don't feel like I'm really awake and ready to take on the day until the evening. I started taking these pills and I feel more alert and energetic. I"ve only been on them for a week,but they have been the only pills that work for me and do not make me jittery or cause me anxiety. I buy them at Walmart and they are super cheap.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    Be disciplined! eat right and workout! you don't need pills!
  • cstark54
    cstark54 Posts: 9
    Ok girl so I hav only been doin MFP for a lil over a month. I started my deit journey at begining of the year and hav lost almost 25 lbs. I have been using Beauty Fuel. I love it. It has givin me so much energy. I don't have to go home after work and take a nap ne more. I take 2 capsules twice a day. Once in the morning and then before I work out. On the bottle it says it increases energy levels, reduce fatigue, burn more calories, mental alertness, and aids in weight loss (no caffine just B12). I eat healthy and log all my calories and exercise everyday. I think with eating healthy and exercise I don't c ne thing wrong with them. Go to beautyfit.com so u can read the reviews and supplement facts. I hope this info helps.
  • widgitwoo
    widgitwoo Posts: 19
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Be disciplined! eat right and workout! you don't need pills!

    in your opinion. and now maybe not NEED pills but an extra helping hand is not always a bad thing,
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Lol ok so by now most of the pill "haters" know me, and hate me :-D

    ANYWHO I have used phentermine with great success, it has a RISK of high blood pressure but so does drinking a caffeinated beverage. I have also Used Oxy Elite Pro and LOVE it (this one is OTC) I do not get "high" or "jittery" (though I did learn to not even combine phetermine and a coke... unless you want crazy pingy upbeat Heather, like more then normal upbeat, you wonder if Ive turned into a bouncy ball kind of upbeat) I would NEVER, EVER, EVER use hydroxycut again :)

    NOW my preachey portion. You NEED to use the pills as an AIDE not a miracle or Yes you will gain it back. For many of us when learning to eat right & in smaller portions a diet aide is VERY helpful. We also can learn which foods fill us up quicker (and if youre spacey or have a child writing this down really is helpful) enabling us to make better food choices when we stop our "diet pills"

    So Now I shall climb off my soap box and allow the pill haters to jump on

    yeah i have to watch what i drink with the oxy, after a bad night i stopped and got a Rockstar which i used to drink constanstly. i did not notice any problems of diffrences but my co workers said i was talking faster than an auctioneer
  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    I think we all know that eating right and exercising is the only REAL answer but I must tell you that I keep a bottle of dexatrim around to use when I know I'm going into a high temptation situation, and I find that it is enough to keep me from gorging on appetizers, mindless snacking, whatever. I only take them once in a while.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    Be disciplined! eat right and workout! you don't need pills!

    in your opinion. and now maybe not NEED pills but an extra helping hand is not always a bad thing,

    how are they not bad?
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    If you really wanna try one I'd just get those $4 green tea pills. I swear no idet pill IMO gives you great results & you're better off saving your money & getting those! Still gave me NO results but some people think they curb your appetite.
  • Okay, I've tried Oxyelite Pro and Hydroxycut, and here's how my experience went.

    -take 3 capsules each day
    -results- definitely lowered my appetite, lost 22 pounds while i was on it, had stronger workouts and felt more focused (prob from the caffeine)
    -side effects - sweat!! a little bit of anxiety, headaches, overall restlessness

    -take 6 capsules a day
    -results- lost 12 pounds while i was on it, more enegry
    -side effects -sweating again, headaches
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I was on Xenical (Orlistat/Alli) for a while a couple of years ago, prescribed by my GP. It did help a bit but didn't make a huge difference, I think because my diet was not particularly high in fat in the first place. I think I was overweight because of excess carbs/alcohol/calories, not excess fat.

    I know some people who have had good results with it, although from what I hear the side-effects if you eat anything high in fat are pretty horrendous :-/
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