HELP: Am I developing a knee/hip injury?

Hey everyone, thanks for checking out this post.

I am really really upset. My right knee was acting up today on my walk home from class, but I didn't think anything of it. I took some ibuprofins, put on my knee braces, and went to the gym for a 40 minute Elliptical workout. Now, my entire hip is acting up and I'm so nervous I'm developing an injury. What's odd is that it has been my LEFT knee that has been acting up here and there since January. Now its the right one, but its worse. I'm taking a rest day tomorrow... but I just don't know what to do to remedy this. :( Does anyone out there have any personal experience with this? Are there any personal trainers out there, or even doctors, who are experienced with this and can help me prevent further injury?

Here is some background. You don't have to read this if you don't think you can help, but I thought it would be helpful to know.
- I started my weight-loss journey January 20, 2011. I was 149 when I started, and am now floating around 137.
- From January to March, I was basically working out 5-6 days a week at the gym - usually on the Elliptical machine. I started off around 20 minutes each time, then up to 30.. and now I'm up to 40, 50, and 60 minutes, 5-6 times a week.
- My Elliptical workout is dynamic, I think. For 40-60 minutes, I change from going at a Level 7 for 2-3 minutes, to Level 9 and 10 for 2-3 minutes. I guess this is what you would call cardio circuit training
- On April 2, I began doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I started off on Level 2, because I was too fit for Level 1. Within ten days I was on Level 3, and then soon I was doubling up (doing Lvl 3 twice, back-to-back). I coupled this with 20-40 minute cardio workouts 5-6 days a week.
- My ten-day plan (until May 7) is to do 50 minutes on the Elliptical or stationary bike every other day, and double (or single) Shred workouts every other day, with one Rest day in between.

My general thought is that I'm doing too many high-impact, high-intensity exercises. But what should I do now? Advice for medication/stretches/alternative exercises/etc... would be appreciated.

Thanks so much.


  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    Injury sometimes results in week joints (ligaments and muscle). You may nee to start weights. Just a very low lb to strengthen your leg and hip muscles. I did it and have no more knee problems at all. I can do lunges all day
  • Forensi
    Forensi Posts: 56 Member
    I'm no expert but I would have thought that you're over training?

    I'm training for a half marathon and have discovered that you only need to run 3-4 times a week to do adequate preparation.

    Maybe take some time off or slow down for a week or 2 and see if it makes a difference.
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    You're over working yourself. Keep your exercises just challenging enough and you really don't need to work out more than 30 minutes a day if you are regularly hitting the gym. I only do Pilates 2 x a week and yoga 1 x a week and 1 day of "aggressive" cardio (like Elliptical or step aerobics). I try to walk 40 minutes at least 3 days a week during my lunch hour at work. That being said, unless you plan to try out for some sort of competition, just enough exercise will give you results as long as you are also eating nutritious food in the right amount. I lost 8 pounds in 2 months and am at my goal weight.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good suggestions above. ^ ^ ^ Also, I know glucosamine is good for older people and people with joint pain, dogs with hip dysplasia and horses. I know it sounds crazy but maybe introduce a glucosamine supplement?

    Here is a bit of info:

    Good luck!
  • taliyai
    taliyai Posts: 38
    Injury sometimes results in week joints (ligaments and muscle). You may nee to start weights. Just a very low lb to strengthen your leg and hip muscles. I did it and have no more knee problems at all. I can do lunges all day

    I use 5 lb weights in the 30 Day Shred, is this what you mean? I feel like perhaps her workouts are too high impact for me. Not sure. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • taliyai
    taliyai Posts: 38
    Good suggestions above. ^ ^ ^ Also, I know glucosamine is good for older people and people with joint pain, dogs with hip dysplasia and horses. I know it sounds crazy but maybe introduce a glucosamine supplement?

    Here is a bit of info:

    Good luck!

    I've actually heard of that! Thanks and I will look into it!
  • taliyai
    taliyai Posts: 38
    You're over working yourself. Keep your exercises just challenging enough and you really don't need to work out more than 30 minutes a day if you are regularly hitting the gym. I only do Pilates 2 x a week and yoga 1 x a week and 1 day of "aggressive" cardio (like Elliptical or step aerobics). I try to walk 40 minutes at least 3 days a week during my lunch hour at work. That being said, unless you plan to try out for some sort of competition, just enough exercise will give you results as long as you are also eating nutritious food in the right amount. I lost 8 pounds in 2 months and am at my goal weight.

    You're right. i think I'm just trying to lose the weight quicker. It's been a slow journey and I've made a lot of changes, but I need to chill out. It's just that I can FEEL the muscles right underneath the fat, do you know what i mean? So I wish I could hit the cardio even harder to burn that off. I definitely need to tone it down though. Do you think cardio every other day, and weights every other day, with a rest day, is okay?