frustrated at slow weight loss

I am extremely irritated that I haven't lost any weight in the past 2 weeks. I went to the doctor and got weighed and the scale still said the same weight as two weeks ago, which means i have only lost 2 pounds in the past 2 weeks! My doctor keeps sounding irritated at me when the scale doesn't say anything lower, saying I must be eating too much or not exercising. i keep explaining to her that i can't afford a lot of fresh fruits and veggies, due to my very low income, but she ignores me and says that I can afford them if I really wanted them. Trust me, only getting 40 dollars in food stamps doesn't go far in terms of groceries for a month.

I have been eating right and exercising everyday, despite my chronic fatigue. There are some days I force myself to exercise, despite feeling sick and exhausted from the fatigue and from nausea caused by gastroparesis, just to make the doctor happy. Today, after I got home from the doctor, I absolutely had to take a nap before physical therapy, and I wound up sleeping for 1 1/2 hours.

It seems like I get depressed everytime I go to the doctor, because of her putting me down because of not losing weight fast enough. I have also been getting depressed because it seems like everyone else on here is losing weight fast and I am not. I don't know what to do!


  • finallyhappening2011
    finallyhappening2011 Posts: 73 Member
    No need to get frustrated this happen to me when I first began. Be patient and you will start to see the scale change. Remember ,be Anxious for nothing things happen in due time. Sorry that your doctor has no compassion.....Keep you head up!!!!
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Sounds like a not very helpful doctor. Take in your food diary and your exercise plan and show him/her exactly what you've been doing and eating. If they don't think what you're doing is right, ask them for specific advice on what to change. If they don't believe you are doing what you say you are, I'd find another doctor.

    EDIT: ps, it looks like I've lost NOTHING this week, and I've been exercising and eating right too. Sometimes you just don't.
  • daveelamp
    daveelamp Posts: 43
    Can you change doctors? She sounds like an insensitive *****. Try and relax and think of this as a journey, your not going to get there overnight. I know stress can hinder weight loss as the body stores fat at stressful times.

    Always look on the bright side, things are not always as bad as they seem, could be alot worse. Try and enjoy your exercise, go on nice walks or just enjoy being able to do a little bit of exercise. People out there who would love to be in a position to do things your able to do.

    Keep positive!