Hi Guy

I have been using this site for a month now and love it.

I've been a yo yo dieter for years - im 33 - I want this year to be the year that I lose the last of my weight for good. Im 5ft 7 and 11.6
I know a lot of you will think this isn't big - a sie 14. Last year I dropped to 10.7 and was so much happier. Im what my PT calls a seasonal dieter and over Xmas gained 10lbs.

Since Xmas I have lost nothing! I started seeing a PT a month ago and so far havent seen any results. I try to stick to 1200 cals but he feels this is too low. I tried eating more for a week and gained 3lbs instantly.

Im at the end of my tether with 8 weeks to go until my hols.

I want to train hard 4 times a week with some weight workouts - I have two PT sessions and I work real hard - harder than I thought I could. I walk lots too - 6 miles alot of days - I guess my body is used to the walking.

I don't care which comes first - weight loss or dropping a dress size. Im trying some carn cycling to shock my body.

Do you guys think 1200 cals is too low?

Steph x


  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi, Im also 5'7 and was 11'4, but Im now 10'6. Im set at 1350 cals per day and I eat my exercise calories too. so if burn 400 cals I eat 1750. It seems to be working so far. I was at a stand still for a few weeks but dropped my carbs and increased protein and started moving again.

    Good luck.x
  • biwinner
    biwinner Posts: 18
    I would suggest sticking to 1200 calories if you want results, but do some hard circuit training each day (DVD or with PT) which will boost the calories up to nearer 1500. This should be enough to feel full if you eat the right things.

    I am always hungry usually, but since cutting out some of the bread and sugar I was eating I have found that I'm not really hungry

    Once you've had your holiday you could relax back to a maintenance amount of calories as you really don't have too much to lose.

    Good luck x
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    Hi Steph!

    The first thing you need is some friends to get you moving!

    Use your friends to assess what you are doing and get inspiration to get out there too and get moving. Even though you have a PT and seem quite active, it is possible that you need to modify what you are doing, what time you are doing it and what you are combining it with to get results.

    Open up your diary to your friends so they can help you. 1200 calories is really a bare minimum, but in saying that I often burn up to 2000 calories in a day and dont eat them all back as it suits me.

    Everybody is different, what you need to do is use MFP for its advantages, group discussions, support, motivation, accountability etc and you will move forward.

    Add me if you want - Im very active and always happy to help motivate where I can :)
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    I don't call myself an expert but yes, I think 1200 is too low. Given that you have been a yo-yo dieter, it might take awhile for your body's metabolism to return to normal. I'm working on patience, too :) I've been plateaued for awhile and have basically been doing all of the right things and working VERY hard... I know I'm building muscle, but it's HARD to wait so long for more obvious results.

    Remember, you said you want this to be the time you lose it and keep it off-- if that's the case, take it slow and do it right and hang in there!! :)


  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    Heck, I had 800+ calories for breakfast. I would reduce the weekly goal to 1 lb. Remember exercise is the great equalizer here.
  • smiler1978

    By this do you mean its the training that will make the big difference?

    Steph x