How many days to undo a "free for all"



  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    :ohwell: I'm on the same train or bus! My Easter free fall went on for a whole weekend so I am not expecting to be back at where I was pre-Easter for at least a week. I'm also not going to berate myself over it either. I loved the great dinners, desserts and major breakfast plates! The chocolate - well - what can I say!

    What's different for me this year is that my mind set is all about recovery from these breaks from healthy eating. Last year I wouldn't have stopped on Monday. I would have thought that the weekend meant failure and therefore I might as well continue to fail. This year, and a lot of thanks goes to this website, I'm all about recovery from the weekend. Drinking water, getting back on plan and thinking positively has really helped me not only start to drop the weight but drop the guilt as well. Losing the guilty feelings is almost, if not better, than losing the weight.

    Here's to a guilt-free recovery week!:happy:

    I so agree with you!!! I am the same- cheating for me this past weekend was part of enjoying my life- I will never be someone who will "do without" forever- I enjoy those times with my family and not obsessing over every tiny calorie- bread- drinks- whatever- but I am totally on board with every word you said!

    You know, this is SUCH a great point - I used to be the person who threw 3 months of work out the door over one bad week. Thank you so much for saying this - I needed to hear it!