Nervous Runner...

I'm wrestling with pre-marathon jitters today (well, this past week to be honest). I've trained well, but even though I KNOW that I'm capable of getting across that finish line... it's sort of like being pregnant & getting ready for delivery! You KNOW it's going to be tough - one of the toughest things you'll ever do - but you can do it, and it will be an amazing blessing when it's over.

I found myself emotional and teary eyed all evening yesterday, and wanting to kick myself for it! I kept telling myself, "Suck it up Ang", while I was pre-packing a few things for my trip to Cincinnati - my favorite race socks, safety pins, the perfect running bra... you know, essential stuff! LoL!

I'll never understand why it is so challenging to be "supportive & encouraging" to ourselves! I strive to be my own best coach... and less of a critic!


  • ammingjay
    ammingjay Posts: 45 Member
    I totally understand before my first marathon, and both half marathons... I get nervous and emotional and tend to cry like a baby! It's totally normal and you will do just fine during your race! Some nervousness/excitement is good! Enjoy your race and have fun! (Even if that means being emotional the whole day) I don't think there are many race finish pictures where I'm not splotchy from crying but smiling the biggest smile :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile:
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I'm wrestling with pre-marathon jitters today (well, this past week to be honest). I've trained well, but even though I KNOW that I'm capable of getting across that finish line... it's sort of like being pregnant & getting ready for delivery! You KNOW it's going to be tough - one of the toughest things you'll ever do - but you can do it, and it will be an amazing blessing when it's over.

    I found myself emotional and teary eyed all evening yesterday, and wanting to kick myself for it! I kept telling myself, "Suck it up Ang", while I was pre-packing a few things for my trip to Cincinnati - my favorite race socks, safety pins, the perfect running bra... you know, essential stuff! LoL!

    I'll never understand why it is so challenging to be "supportive & encouraging" to ourselves! I strive to be my own best coach... and less of a critic!

    If it's any consolation, I'm starting C25K tomorrow, and part of me is not-quite-terrified-but-almost! The thought of getting of my lardy behind and going public is quite daunting! But, I know I have to do it, and actually, I do *want* to do it, and am thinking ahead to when I won't feel as though I am going to die just because I jogged for 60 seconds!

    You on the other hand, have trained long and hard for this marathon, and you wouldn't be doing it if you weren't confident that you could complete it! So I say just keep focused on how you're going to feel at the end...exhilarated, elated, ecstatic, accomplished (I could say sweaty and and exhausted too but they don't seem such attractive propositions)! Know that you can do it, and how proud you'll feel at the end of it. And actually, if nothing else, just enjoy the running! This is *your* thing - no one is holding a gun to your head - you have chosen to do it, so think about *why* you chose this.

    And then get out there and have fun, woman! :happy:

    ETA: And good luck to you too, Wendy, for your marathon!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I had tapering blues before my first marathon. I had the jitters and I really thought it was about the fear of tapering...would I still be ready etc. I was nervouse and anxious the few days leading up but I had that same knowledge that I could do this. At the start line I felt good. I giggled at the men peeing on trees in every which direction...then as I crossed the start line I got all choked up for the first was all so emotional and overwhelming....but it was awesome..
    You have trained and prepared for this almost as long as being pregnant. You have made sacrifices and run through all kinds of obstacles to be ready for this. You have planned, prepared etc and now it is coming to a dramatic climax...there are a lot of emotions involved in that...enjoy earned the right to feel emotional