Small changes that make a diffrence......imput needed. =)



  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    Eat brown rice and brown rice pasta instead of the evil white kind!

    Boil-in-bag brown rice is pretty good if you take it out of the bag and cook in a rice cooker (follow instructions)

    Tinkyada gluten free brown rice pasta is amazing! You won't notice it's brown rice flour instead of white flour. The noodles hold up and aren't mushy. I cook mine all the way - past al dente - just taste until it's no longer chewy.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Joseph's WW low carb pita bread
    Egg Beater Whites - make great omelets with fresh mushrooms/peppers
    Berries - any food with color is supposed to have loads of health benefits
    Turkey Cutlets with sauteed onions on top
    Fish at least 2x's/week
    Steam Fresh Veggies and Rice
    Water & Green Tea only
    (ok - occassionally I might sneak in a pomegranite vodka & sprite zero beverage)

    For Snacks I always choose fruit / berries or nuts (walnuts are the best for you).

    Thanks for all the ideas!
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Try to eat only the portion size listed.
    Pretty much gave up juice and drink mostly just water.
    Drink water after eating to get fuller so sweets don't sound good.
    Buy the right foods to begin with. Helps to make better decisions at home.

    We do eat out sometimes on the weekends. Eating out is not your friend! You can eat all day at home or eat one meal out and have all your calories for the day very quickly. :(
  • Calidaho
    Calidaho Posts: 110 Member
    Wow! Two would be so filling for so few calories!! (to your burrito recipe, that is. Forgot to quote.)
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    - Measure EVERYTHING. (And yes, my roommates make fun of me for this when I'm measuring out my cheerios and milk, but I don't give a crap. Their metabolisms will catch up with them one day and they will FINALLY understand that you can't just eat whatever you want and stay skinny forever!)
    - Eat fresh fruits and veggies. I was raised on canned vegetables and canned fruits because I was a picky eater and my parents gave up trying to feed me "real" food...but no more. Even a year and a half ago I wouldn't touch fresh vegetables, but now I devour them: lettuce, asparagus, broccoli, green beans...and no, I don't always like them. I don't know if I'll EVER love them. But I can eat them, and that's an improvement! And as for, it just tastes so much better fresh. (:
    - Grapefruit! My morning grapefruit half is one of my favorite foods of my day. A lot of people hate grapefruit (my roommates included) but I actually love how bitter it is. I squeeze that grapefruit half for everything it's worth, including the juice.
    - No pork or red meat. I was vegetarian for about a year, during my freshman year of college, and since then pork and red meat has really wrecked havoc on my digestive system every time I eat it. Now it's all about chicken and turkey and tuna--and soon I hope I'll eat other kinds of fish, too, when I'm back home for the summer and someone ELSE is paying for my groceries! I'll probably have the occasional burger from In-n-Out, but beyond that, days of bacon and sausage and ham and steak are behind me.
    - Malt-o-Meal and Oatmeal. Low-calorie, high-nutrition breakfasts that everyone should have a few times a week.
    - Healthy snacks, like Cliff Bars and whole fruits and popcorn and nuts and oh my. (:
    - Water water water water WATER! I have a "Klean Kanteen", which holds a little more than three cups of water, so throughout the day, I do this: fill it up in the morning before my classes and work, and drink through the day, emptying the bottle by the time I get to the gym. Work out, and fill it up again at the gym, drinking most of it during my walk home. When I've finished this bottle, I fill it up again at home and drink it for the rest of the night.
    - And speaking of hydration--no soda. Ever. Period. (Except for the VERY rare Rum and Coke...VERY very rare!) And limited alcohol. (Hard to do in a college environment, but I'm managing!)
    - I still drink juice and sometimes Odwallas. Sparingly, and I choose Nantucket Nectars--a really pure brand--and only drink one serving size, not the whole bottle. When I say sparingly, I mean once or twice a week.
    - Milk! I still usually have one cup of skim milk per day. I grew up on 2% milk--drinking it 2-3 times per day--but I'm sort of done growing and all. Haha. I still love milk and couldn't give it up. (Besides, there's protein in it!)
    - Don't trust the scale. Weigh only once per week. Seeing 1-2 pounds over a longer period of time is better than anxiously watching all the little fluctuations.
    - Take measurements. When I plateaued last week I checked my waist/hip measurements for the first time since starting on MFP, and was pleased to find that despite my stall in weight loss, I had lost a few inches.
    - Get a pair of pants you want to fit into and try them on every week! I bought a pair of size 9 jeans last weekend thinking it would be another few weeks before they fit--but guess what? I'm actually wearing them today! I don't feel as comfortable in the size 9 shorts I bought, so those are my new "test pants". :D
    - Be patient. Plateaus are normal. This is the long haul. You know that this time, the weight will stay off forever because you're taking it off the right way.
    - Shock your body. Don't do the same workout two days in a row. You'll get complacent, it'll get easy, and the weight loss will drop off. Change things up. When you're not huffing and puffing as hard as you were, you need to step it up.
    - "Don't hide yourself in regret. Just love yourself and you're set. I'm on the right track, baby--I was born this way." I don't profess myself to be a great Gaga lover, but I love the message of this bit of her music, and I think it's a good thing to always keep in mind.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    - Measure EVERYTHING. (And yes, my roommates make fun of me for this when I'm measuring out my cheerios and milk, but I don't give a crap. Their metabolisms will catch up with them one day and they will FINALLY understand that you can't just eat whatever you want and stay skinny forever!)
    - Eat fresh fruits and veggies. I was raised on canned vegetables and canned fruits because I was a picky eater and my parents gave up trying to feed me "real" food...but no more. Even a year and a half ago I wouldn't touch fresh vegetables, but now I devour them: lettuce, asparagus, broccoli, green beans...and no, I don't always like them. I don't know if I'll EVER love them. But I can eat them, and that's an improvement! And as for, it just tastes so much better fresh. (:
    - Grapefruit! My morning grapefruit half is one of my favorite foods of my day. A lot of people hate grapefruit (my roommates included) but I actually love how bitter it is. I squeeze that grapefruit half for everything it's worth, including the juice.
    - No pork or red meat. I was vegetarian for about a year, during my freshman year of college, and since then pork and red meat has really wrecked havoc on my digestive system every time I eat it. Now it's all about chicken and turkey and tuna--and soon I hope I'll eat other kinds of fish, too, when I'm back home for the summer and someone ELSE is paying for my groceries! I'll probably have the occasional burger from In-n-Out, but beyond that, days of bacon and sausage and ham and steak are behind me.
    - Malt-o-Meal and Oatmeal. Low-calorie, high-nutrition breakfasts that everyone should have a few times a week.
    - Healthy snacks, like Cliff Bars and whole fruits and popcorn and nuts and oh my. (:
    - Water water water water WATER! I have a "Klean Kanteen", which holds a little more than three cups of water, so throughout the day, I do this: fill it up in the morning before my classes and work, and drink through the day, emptying the bottle by the time I get to the gym. Work out, and fill it up again at the gym, drinking most of it during my walk home. When I've finished this bottle, I fill it up again at home and drink it for the rest of the night.
    - And speaking of hydration--no soda. Ever. Period. (Except for the VERY rare Rum and Coke...VERY very rare!) And limited alcohol. (Hard to do in a college environment, but I'm managing!)
    - I still drink juice and sometimes Odwallas. Sparingly, and I choose Nantucket Nectars--a really pure brand--and only drink one serving size, not the whole bottle. When I say sparingly, I mean once or twice a week.
    - Milk! I still usually have one cup of skim milk per day. I grew up on 2% milk--drinking it 2-3 times per day--but I'm sort of done growing and all. Haha. I still love milk and couldn't give it up. (Besides, there's protein in it!)
    - Don't trust the scale. Weigh only once per week. Seeing 1-2 pounds over a longer period of time is better than anxiously watching all the little fluctuations.
    - Take measurements. When I plateaued last week I checked my waist/hip measurements for the first time since starting on MFP, and was pleased to find that despite my stall in weight loss, I had lost a few inches.
    - Get a pair of pants you want to fit into and try them on every week! I bought a pair of size 9 jeans last weekend thinking it would be another few weeks before they fit--but guess what? I'm actually wearing them today! I don't feel as comfortable in the size 9 shorts I bought, so those are my new "test pants". :D
    - Be patient. Plateaus are normal. This is the long haul. You know that this time, the weight will stay off forever because you're taking it off the right way.
    - Shock your body. Don't do the same workout two days in a row. You'll get complacent, it'll get easy, and the weight loss will drop off. Change things up. When you're not huffing and puffing as hard as you were, you need to step it up.
    - "Don't hide yourself in regret. Just love yourself and you're set. I'm on the right track, baby--I was born this way." I don't profess myself to be a great Gaga lover, but I love the message of this bit of her music, and I think it's a good thing to always keep in mind.

    You ARE on the right track baby!! Man, you have your nutrition in order!!! I do a lot of the same stuff you do. I got a lot of flack for a long time for measuring out my portions. I was even accused of having an eating disorder by some girls I used to work with. All because I work out and eat healthy. They said that as they chowed down on their burgers. :) Anyhow, great work! Keep it up!
  • mandycox1301
    Wow! Two would be so filling for so few calories!! (to your burrito recipe, that is. Forgot to quote.)

    Yes they are. Now they are about a soft taco size instead of burrito but its still filling!!
  • tippietoes
    Even more yummy and higher protein.. use soy beans instead of peas

    Great idea- thanks for sharing!
  • pinksherbert
    pinksherbert Posts: 38 Member
    Has anyone else got any more tips? I love this thread... x
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
  • x_sotonguetied
    i've been using salsa on salads instead of dressing!

    and i don't know if this is weird, but i also like cottage cheese on my wraps in place of mayo or dressing.

    hummus is good on wraps, too

  • joannbuist23
    joannbuist23 Posts: 127 Member