beginning to lift

okay I am pretty new to this weight lifting thing.. I was wondering if any of you could watch this video( link below) and see if its an okay of a workout.... I am a total beginner using 3 pounds weight for about week and half now. I would like to move to 5 pounds in a month or two but right now I am still feeling the burn (esp above the head reps)

I do that video then rest for 15 mins and do it again.. If you guys thinks this is lame do you have any cheap-(youtube or on demand) beginner work outs for me?! I would love to buy a workout video but eating healthier almost doubled my grocery bill so I am on a tight budget right now.


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    It is not a bad arm workout, but there is a problem. Not with the workout itself, rather the problem is that it is all isolation exercises. By that I mean they are all exercises that isolate individual muscles--curls do biceps and the extensions do triceps. The problem with this is that it leaves the vast majority of your body un-worked. Further, those to muscle groups are very small compared to say your chest, back and legs. For encouraging your metabolism this sort of routine will not do much.

    I would suggest you try the following body weight strength workout:

    Let Me Ins

    Do each exercise for 6-10 repetitions, rest for 60 seconds and repeat with the rest 2 more times except for the plank which you should seek to hold as long as you can rest for 60 seconds and repeat with the rest 2 more times.

    Warm up before hand with some running in spot or something else that will mildly work your muscles and get them warm for probably about 4-5 minutes.

    Stretch afterward.

    This sort of workout with work your whole body. If you find pushups too hard either do them from your knees or probably better put your hands on a raised surface.