Never apologize for your success!

I don't post many topics here, but this has been crawling under my skin for a couple of days now, and I knew my mfpeeps would understand. I purchased some new, cute workout gear as a reward for my hard earned weight loss/ fitness. I have a friend that goes to my gym that finds it necessary to make snide comments about my new duds i.e "oh aren't we fancy", and "you look like a real Medfield Mom"... (translation: you look like a snob). Mind you, I am not a makeup and mani before the gym kind of gal. Just some nice clothes that make the gym experience a little nicer. I am wearing these clothes for me, not trying to impress anyone. I figure if you like what you see in the mirror, maybe You will come back tomorrow. Can't a gal enjoy 5 minutes of fitness success? I have and still do have my resentful moments of the little hottie next to me on the treadmill, but know it stems from coveting her flat abs or whatever. If you can't be supportive and nice to me, get outta my way, I got work to do. And while your at it you can kiss my shrinking *kitten* as it walks away! Phew! I feel so much better. Thanks guys


  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    *Someone* is jealous of you!!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    *Someone* is jealous of you!!

  • Alanismans0n
    Alanismans0n Posts: 24 Member
    ROCK ON!:happy: Never mind what anyone else thinks!
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    Most definately!
  • roxanne90
    roxanne90 Posts: 95
    hahaha You go girl hahahah I love the kiss my shrinking *kitten* bit..........OMG i'm dying........thanks and keep on keeping on :)
  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427
    excuse my language but HELLS YEAH!! you celebrate your hard work however the hell you want because haters are gonna hate. congrats too!:smile:
  • Capital_Q
    Capital_Q Posts: 24 Member
    Enjoy your success!!! You totally deserve it!!
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Exactly, just enjoy your workout and know why you are looking at the Hottie, someone is looking and wishing they had your body!

    Congrats on your success and keep it up!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Nice rant and love that shrinking *kitten*!!!
  • carin_cress
    carin_cress Posts: 21 Member
    Love it!! You deserve those clothes and you deserve the shrinking *kitten* too!!! :smile:
  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    I agreee... I am sorry, I am not the make up and mani kinda girl before the gym. I am not going to dress in horrible clothes at the gym either. What good does that do, I want to look decent even if I am only doing this for me... this me wants to be hot :-)

    Getum' girl
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    And while your at it you can kiss my shrinking *kitten* as it walks away!

    Love this.
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    A true friend doesn't have the need to put her pal down! I agree she is jealous! Keep up the great work and continue to wear your new workout gear with pride!
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    Tell 'em girl!
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    Celebrate all your hard work because you earned it!
    I am also so sick of people being jealous maybe??? Saying things like 'why are you even working out, you don't need to lose anymore weight', or don't you ever eat????

    It's just crazy to me- if I want to be fit there's nothing wrong with that and just because I'm not scarfing the oreos anymore doesn't mean I'm not eating, I'm eating more healthy now than I ever have in my life. I just want to scream SHUTUP to everyone. Damn people trying to sabatoge all of our success.
    I'm glad that you got new gym clothes and feel confident in them. Rock em out, you totally earned it...after all, we are all trying to work out to look and feel better about ourselves and be healthy. I would hope you're not hiding in sweats and a baggy shirt!!!!!!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Congratulations on your success! And you're right that you have nothing to apologize for but rather everything to be proud of!
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Aww shucks guys! You made me feel so much better. I knew you would understand:)
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I'm jealous of your new workout gear and I haven't even seen it. :) Way to go!
  • SakanaUshi
    If this is a friend of yours, they might just be feeling self-conscious about their own workout clothes. They are out of line for making snide remarks, but it might be coming from their concerns about how they look, and they are trying to normalize their ratty workout clothes by making you the "weird" one for having nice clothes. It's probably a combination of jealousy and self-consciousness. Don't end the friendship over it or anything... but you also shouldn't feel bad for a second for wanting to look nice at the gym or for celebrating your success. Just remember to have a little empathy for your friend, too.