C25K - almost 'running' backwards

Davali Posts: 225 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm on a mission to be able to run a 5K and it's taken me 3 weeks of doing week1 of C25k to finally be able to crack it. My concern is that although I've managed to complete all 3 days of week 1 now, I'm running only as fast as I'm walking (if that makes sense). Is it better to continue as I am and move to week 2 or should I concentrate on trying to run faster?

I'd love to be able to run my first 5K at the end of June, but it still seems a bit of an uphill battle.


  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    As a fellow C25K user I know what you mean. In the beginning I was really worried about my pace but as I went along I decided not to worry about pace and focus more on endurance. What I noticed is that my pace, while not quite Olympic level-more like slow as molasses, has actually gotten faster on its own.

    I'm wrapping up W9 on C25K and will have my first event on Sunday. My goal is to finish and finish strong. I don't have a time in mind but I would like to finish in under 48 minutes.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    I agree ... working up your endurance is the first step ... speed will come later. Once you have your endurance up and can run the distance at a comfortable pace, then you can work at HIIT to increase speeds. Ease into it. The last thing you want to do is start pushing for speed before your body is ready and get sidelined with an injury.
    Just my .02 (from someone who has been sidelined with an injury due to just that issue for the past 17 months)
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Any improvement is good improvement.
    The more you do it, the easier it will get.
    You could start with intervals--run as fast as you can for 30 seconds and then jog at your usual pace for a minute, and continue like that for the whole run. Then you can switch to 1 minute sprint and 30 seconds jog.
    You could also walk the extra distance after your usual run to get your body used to covering the extra miles beforehand.
  • juliavalerie
    juliavalerie Posts: 6 Member
    I was a fellow C25K and from experience (of a non runner) it was already overwhelming to try to finish the 5K without walking. I decided to make it my goal to run the entire 5K without walking/stopping. It was realistic and I ran in 35 mins.

    My suggestion is to worry about endurance and then after your first one make it your goal to improve time. Be proud and make small goals!!
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    I had the same problem. Don't worry endurance does improve. It is ok to repeat weeks. I got stuck on week 3 myself and am still there. Hoping that losing some of this weight will also help. Hang in there!
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks everyone - will keep going at my almost snail pace for now and worry about speed later on :)
  • mamakathy
    mamakathy Posts: 130
    I'm stuck W3D2. I can't seem to get past it. I may back up to week 2 for a bit. The important thing to me is to be able to finish. I think after the first 5K then I'll work on immproving speed. Best of luck to you!
  • I *kinda* started C25K recently. (I haven't decided if running is something I want to commit to yet, but for now I'm going with it.) I've been wondering what kind of pace other people are doing it at. I use a treadmill and warm up and do the walking intervals at 3.5 mph and am at 5 mph for the jogging intervals. My husband, who's a healthy weight and is moderately active at work but does not otherwise exercise, came for a run to support me but blew me out of the water running for way longer intervals and at 5.5 - 6 mph. So now I'm wondering if I'm too slow, and like the OP should I stick with the first week for longer? How fast is the program designed for?
  • juliavalerie
    juliavalerie Posts: 6 Member
    I *kinda* started C25K recently. (I haven't decided if running is something I want to commit to yet, but for now I'm going with it.) I've been wondering what kind of pace other people are doing it at. I use a treadmill and warm up and do the walking intervals at 3.5 mph and am at 5 mph for the jogging intervals. My husband, who's a healthy weight and is moderately active at work but does not otherwise exercise, came for a run to support me but blew me out of the water running for way longer intervals and at 5.5 - 6 mph. So now I'm wondering if I'm too slow, and like the OP should I stick with the first week for longer? How fast is the program designed for?

    I had the same thing. I was training for 2 months and my fiancee came with me one night and blew me out the water. Worst part is, he never works out and he is smoker:( I wouldn't let it get you down.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    This program is designed how ever you want it to be designed. I say first try to just make it through, as others have said, increase your endurance. You could then move back to about week 3 / 4 and try to go a lot faster. It's a lot harder to train for speed than endurance, so take the easy route.
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