new favorite low calorie find!



  • saltorian
    saltorian Posts: 192 Member
    I was out for a walk to the local organic food store with a friend, and of course she just HAD to stop for ice cream. Kind of ruins the point of walking to the healthy food store, huh? But the place we went to was a Hershey's ice cream place attached to a Subway (the sandwich franchise, not the transportation). They have a frozen yogurt there that tasted really good called "Only 8." The two flavors on hand that day were "Swiss Cocoa Cream" and "Custard." I had the latter and it was super tasty -- kind of tasted like a good cake frosting -- and only 32 calories per 1/2 cup (which means 64 calories or so for the 8oz "small" cup that I got)!

    Here's their website:

    (Note that it isn't "healthy" food no matter what they're trying to say about it, but it's better than some of the junk out there. As an ice cream substitute, it was definitely a WIN.)