YAHOO eating disorder article...thoughts?


  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    Its odd, my colleagues and I were talking yesterday about obsessive calorie counting and the like, however I find it hard to see how eating healthy "raw" foods can be a bad thing unless the "healthy" eating is not really healthy (in that nutrients are being totally ignored in addition to certain food groups).

    Is it possible that picky eaters have some sort of accompanying mental health issues, absolutely, do I think that it will be listed in the DSM IV any time soon, not likely.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I can only see either of these things as a problem if the need to stick to the "plan" of super picky eating or only clean pure eating if gets in the way of the person's happiness. We know a guy who is incredibly picky and when we go out we used to choose a restaurant around him...not me the vegetarian..but him..who only like ketchup on his pasta not spaghetti sauce. After a while I said ...look I have gone to more steak houses that YOU like and had a salad and steamed brocolli for dinner so you didn't have to have a time you will go where I pick and make it work. He chose not to go next time...I think he was being a big baby...If I can be social at a steak house he can be social at a Hibachi grill...he didn't like seeing raw food.

    If the need to have only healthy food makes the person isolated or anxious to be somewhere in which processed food is present then it is a problem....but not eating healthy

    I think overall it is about OCD and control and sometimes being a spoiled rotten brat that never grew up. IF it is OCD then real compassion and treatment is in order...if it is just a spoiled adult who pouts and won't go out unless he gets to pick etc then he needs to get a grip and people need to stop enabling him
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