Serious lack of motivation

I have been dieting for 4 weeks now. I am VERY frustrated and lacking motivation to the point where i feel in a bad mood to even be dieting. I have lost only 1 lb, and in all honesty that one pound varies day to day. Some days it shows I havent lost any weight and others it shows ive actually gained a pound. According to myfitnesspal I can only eat 1200 calories a day. Maybe I'm just spoiled but that is nothing. My meals consist of cheerios for breakfast with fat free milk. Heart healthy marinara sauce with a tbsp of Parmesan cheese and a slice of whole grain toast. I think i am the only person who has ever taken the pasta out of spaghetti to cut calories. I do snack on 2 tbsp of hummus with another piece of whole grain toast and 25 wasabi peas. Sometimes i have a piece of light laughing cow cheese wedge with a whole grain cracker. I will also have one semi normal meal. For ex. yesterday was 1/2 cup of scalloped potatoes with peas and carrots. To make a long story short I feel like I am starving myself. I normally stay pretty close to the 1200. On days that I exercise I go slightly over 1200 but still under my calorie goal. Then once a week I have a "i dont care" day. I say I dont care but ill still calorie count and try to be as good as possible without depriving myself. On days I do go just under 1200 I get a message from myfitnesspal telling me the danger of going under 1200 and about starving my body. With that being said I am fairly confident that I am on a very low calorie diet. To make matters worse my boyfriend is also using myfitnesspal. He gets to eat like 1800+ calories everyday. He also goes to play racquetball/basketball 3 times a week in the morning and on those days he burns about 1800 calories leaving him with over 3000 calories that day. He just tries to balance everything out for the week so he can eat hamburgers/pizza, drink beer, eat cheesecake ect ect ect. Having him around makes me even hungrier and angrier cause he can eat all that and still loose weight like crazy. I feel like I should just give up. All I need is to loose like 10-15 lbs. :(


  • Tricie513
    Tricie513 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Nicah123, I'm sorry that you are having such a hard time. I think my best advice is to add in more protein. For example, at dinner tonight I had 3 boneless skinless chicken tenderloins and a turkey burger patty, it totaled 240 calories and I was completely satisfied! Here's an article about kicking the day off with a lot of protein so that you stay full longer and don't feel like you are starving yourself:

    I don't know if you've heard anything about it, but I'm doing the Dukan diet and totally recommend it. Here's a brief explanation:

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. I know what it's like to be frustrated and lose motivation!

    Take care,
