


  • snowwhitee
    it is a common side effect of weight loss and should become less severe as the weeks go by. When this happens to me I take epsom salt with warm water ( epsom salt: water 1:3) taste disgusting but if I consume this at night, the next morning I'm cleared out. Natural way of relieving constipation.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Update . . . I have done the Miralax faithfully twice a day (for 5 days - with the exception of 1 day that I only took it once) and still . . . . virtually nothing to show for it. So, so, so frustrated!!

    I called the doctor's office back and now she wants me to pick up a bottle of "mag citrate" and after that, do the Miralax twice a day for another week.

    God, I am just so miserable! My belly is all bloated. Can Lasix really throw someone for such a loop like this?

    (I am eating relatively normally - 3 meals a day including breakfast & snacks. I am currently taking in about 1700 calories per day and plenty of fruit and veggies and high fiber foods. Plus, drinking at least 2 liters of water per day if not more.)
  • alexia_faith
    alexia_faith Posts: 32 Member
    I hope people are still on here active

    I havent been able to poop now for almost 8 days! My lower back is agony, my tummy is cramping, i eat 28 - 35 grams of fibre per day as im a vegeraian and I drink 8 - 10 glasses of water per day

    I had threadworms about 2 weeks ago, about a month after antibiotics for a kidney infection.

    I was fine til about 3 days ago when the pain went past discomfort to agony where im in the feotal posistion crying

    I rang my Dr and he said Fibre and water is fine, I need to take Senakot, ive taken it now 2 days in a row and no movement bar one tiny solid bar stool which was not worth the 15 min of effort!

    Any one had a sim issue??
  • Satya_Ayurveda
    Satya_Ayurveda Posts: 91 Member
    Yes, it's normal. You are "shocking" you body, so to speak and it takes time to adjust. This can happen! Drinking aloe vera juice is a wonderful thing to do daily, not just to regulate your intestinal tract, but for many other purification purposes as well. It is a natural detoxifier. Better than acidophilus is to take a complete probiotic. This will restore the flora and fauna in your body and help regulate you. Psyllium is wonderful as well. I swear by Triphala which is an ancient ayurvedic herb and also another body purifier. If you are really constipated you can try taking Swiss Kriss which is an all natural supplement composed of natural elements and it works very quickly without all the bad side effects. Fluids are vital. Drinking HOT water or at least warm water is key. Cold water will slow down the intestinal tract and will actually cause undue stress to the kidneys. Even when you are thirsty and feeling dehydrated...warm water. Helps things move and will rehydrate you quicker. Sounds funny, but it works.
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    I have the same problem but was embarrassed to ask about. I've tried Yokult drinks, activia, other yogurt, bread with flax, drinking more water, stopped eating a bunch of cheese (that really constipates me) and I don't know what else and am still having trouble. I have to get a colonoscopy in July and if any of you know about that....that's a guaranteed clean out.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Put down the stool softeners! Try 2-3 prunes right before bedtime every 2-3 days you will be regular!
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    This has been happening to me recently too. I am on a lot of codine and have been told that it effects your bowels when taking it long term. I've upped my fibre intake and have tried taking less painkillers to help my bowels a bit and it seems to have worked.
    It will go in time but 7 days is a long time especially as you've been taking stool softeners too. If you're worried then go see a doc just to be on the safe side.
    I called the NHS helpline so that might help if you live in the UK?
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Are you eating enough? I eat a good amount of fiber, but when my calories were too low, I stopped up even with the fiber. Now that I have increased my calories, I go almost everyday.
  • alexia_faith
    alexia_faith Posts: 32 Member
    1200 - 1390 NET per day .... before exercise its like 1600 ....

    I had a long hot bath last night and drank a pint of warm sugary water and that has made me v gassy this am ... which is an improvement. The pain has lessened slightly now ive been able to break wind and Im just hoping I get some movement in the next day or so.

    As for prunes I cant stand them ... they give me burbly belly .... Drs got me eating dried apricots instead

    I didnt do any Senakot last night coz I wanted to try an alternative method ....

    Heres hoping ..... Rang NHS direct and they said im donig all I can ... I just have to see a Dr next week if I havent gone to check im not impacted or something
  • slsorren
    slsorren Posts: 1 Member
    I had this same problem and would go 5-6 days without going. I saw my doctor. Prunes didn't work for me. In the end, he told me to eat Activia yogurt everyday (I don't do that much anymore) and to use benefiber. I put it in my coffee every morning and it works great for me!
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    Kelloggs Fiber Plus bars! One every day helps a lot. I still have to watch and pay attention so I don't go too long without going.
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    Okay . . maybe I'm the only one, but I always seem to get really constipated when I first start a new "diet" plan.
    Be it Weight Watchers, counting calories myself, etc.

    I'm just wondering if anyone out there can relate? It's been about 7 days since my last normal *ahem* and I
    usually go at least once a day. I've been taking stool softeners, eating properly and drinking a ton of water . .
    so I just don't understand? This always seems to happen to me and it's discouraging because I feel kinda
    yucky and bloated, especially today.

    Ok, I am going to tell you a personal story of mine about fiber! I experience this just the past week. I was having large bm's and decided to up my fiber to about 20 grams a day. well, nothing was happening for 10 days and I started to feel very larthargic and weak, bloated, and tired. so I went to the doctor after 1 month of having a movement once a week. she said that is too many toxins building up in my body so she gave me a colonoscopy prep kit. didn't work! still once a week. then a laxative once a week, nothing, then psyllium husks for a week; still going only once a week and not very much at that. So this last visit after once month I ended up having 3 enemas to get all that build up out and i know there is still plenty in there.
    After all of this the doctor tells me to stay on the psyllium husks for fiber but to make sure I get A LOT OF WATER. Fiber gives you the bulk, but if you don't have water to get it moving, you could be in the shape i am in.
    i am going to need a colonoscopy and am scheduled to see an internal medicine doctor.
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    I put Benefiber with b 12 in my coffee daily.... Please stay in touch with your Doctor !!!!!! Thats nothing to fool around with . !
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I had that problem and started 2 Citrucel tabs every night. Perfect every morning! It is not a bulk forming fiber so you don't have to worry about constipation they sometimes cause. You may need a laxitive for the first time to get out what's blocking you.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    Ugh- I get plenty of fiber in my diet- but still experience occasional bloat and general yuck feelings from not being able to successfully go. When that happens- I take sugar free Metamucil as suggested on the label to help clear the pipes- so to speak. LOL Hope you feel better soon.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    If you are trying things like magnesium citrate, and miralax, etc. and still not going, then i would suggest an enema, because you just softening the stool that is higher up in the intestines, and the "stuff" thats lower down is just getting harder and harder. In the hospital one sure fire method that has never failed (and i have done on myself at home after not going for a week) is milk of molassess enema!!!! You mix equal parts milk with molassess in a fleets enema bottle (buy at cvs) warm up to help mixing it. Results in 15-30 minutes!!! we use it alot with kids that get constipated!!
  • alexia_faith
    alexia_faith Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for your suggestions guys

    Ive tried a few of those to no success .... ive even done what my mum suggested and rubbed vasaline on my pooper Lol

    I have to be referred to hosp anyhoo now coz my water works have turned brown!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    2 Fiber One Bars a day and you will need more spray for the bathroom!!! :blushing:
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I have never been constipated in my life so you have my sympathies. A few things I would look at might be try reducing the amount of gluten in your diet. This will be challenging because it means reading labels as gluten is in a lot of things. Also decreasing the amount of processed food you eat. I used to have a recipe for bran muffins made with prune juice.. You don't taste the prune and it a good help you go food. I'll google and see if I can find it.

    Found it!
    3 2/3 cup oat bran
    1/2 cup brown sugar
    2 1/2 tsp cinnamon
    2 tbsp baking powder
    1/2 cup sliced almonds
    1 cup skim milk
    1 cup prune juice
    1 cup egg white
    4 tbsp olive oil
    1 cup applesauce
    Mix dry ingredients & wet ingredients separately, then combine. Pour into 24 muffin tins. Bake at 425 for 14-15 minutes.
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Beans + Bran = Bowels