Motivation and Unemployment?

I've been unemployed for about 4 months since I moved cities with my boyfriend. You would think that having all this free time would give me no excuses not to work out and eat well, but instead having no real structure in my day or feeling of accomplishment at work/school makes me even lazier. And then I feel bad for being lazy. And the cycle of de-motivation continues...

Is anyone else in this situation?


  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    I've been unemployed for the past three years due to a work-related injury to my right knee (was a professional driver). Because I used up my insurance and because I was forced to leave my job (no modified work) I used exercise in place of work-hardening to get my knee (and the rest of my body) back into top form.

    I know it's easy to want to do nothing, but DON'T!! It's not good for your body, psychology, self-esteem or emotions to do nothing. Reach deep down inside yourself and find one reason why you NEED to do this for yourself. You can do it!!!
  • ch0c0lati3r
    ch0c0lati3r Posts: 11 Member
    I can totally understand.. That usually happens to me on long weekends. You'd think that having time means having time to exercise but without structure, time flows like water. My suggestion would be for you to make a schedule. Maybe dedicate X hours for job search and pencil in about 1 hr to workout each day. Committing yourself to a group exercise class at the gym might help too.. Create a reward system for yourself, that always help. Plus summer is just right around the corner! :) Wish you all the best with you job search and exercise plan!
  • amfoltz
    amfoltz Posts: 2
    I know exactly how you feel! I went about 2 months with the same situation then found a job. I thought that without having anything to do all day I'd workout all the time, but I ended up having little motivation and kept telling myself I would work out later. Now that I have a full time job, I have a routine and know that I need to work out in the morning before work so I don't put if off completely like I would do before. So maybe if you workout the same time every day, you can get a bit of your own routine started so you don't put if off until later on in the day-it'll get you more motivated to be productive the rest of the day as well! :smile: