Emotional Breakdown

ladyphoebe Posts: 46 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Ok so I had a minor emotional break down eariler this afternoon and now I'm having a hard time getting the motivation to do anything. I have dishes that need to be done, and I know I should workout. I guess I'm just trying to decided it giveing myself a break for the day would be better than only doing my workout half way and risking hurting myself by not doing it properly.


  • You could try some warm up exercises and see if you start to feel like you might want to work out and finish. IT actually works for me about 75% of the time. Also give yourself 10 minutes on the dishes. Set the timer on the microwave if you have one and see how far you get done. Sometimes these mind games will trick you into finishing.
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    you'll feel better after you work out, no matter how tired you are. Maybe a 10 minute walk outside?
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    Take a 15 minute walk and get some fresh air and time alone. This will help tremendously and you may decide to walk longer. My walk time is just to get a breather from all my stress. Tomorrow will be a better day!
  • vwghiafreak
    vwghiafreak Posts: 15 Member
    I am trying to organize my house. I was going to go to the gym today, but didn't make it. Instead I've rearranged furniture, had a mini meltdown, raided the Easter candy, and went to Bible Study. I'm not going to stress about what I didn't do today, and I suggest you don't either. Just 'get back on the horse' tomorrow.
    Take a breather, and remember we all have our bad days and work at cleaning up your house. :) It may improve your mood, I always feel better when I can see an accomplishment around me.
    Hope you feel better!
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    Actually, doing half a workout with full concentration is better than no workout at all. Half a workout will get those "happy feeling" brain chemicals flowing, which in turn will make you feel better about yourself and whatever the situation was that caused the minor breakdown. Don't push yourself, though. Just use what energy you do have and save the 'real' workout for tomorrow.

    As for the dishes - leave them. They aren't going no where. Besides, after a workout, you might be in a better mood to do them ;-)
  • music, turn it on..preferably loud...ipod :)
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    I agree. 10 mins will make you feel better on the dishes, and then start on the workout, you will have less time, but ultimately feel better :smile:
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    Yoga? It's good for your inner and outer self.
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    I have had a rubbish day today myself, I've eaten terribly and not got any of the paperwork done I needed ughhhhhh Anyways I agree with the suggestion of trying some warm ups. I put on a dvd earlier this evening did 5 minutes turned it off, I was struggling my eyes were heavy my body slow and the dvd was just mat work. I switched over to my 30 day shred dvd and busted it, once I'd done the warm ups I was in it!

    Hope you get to feeling better x
  • I've usually found that, after doing chores or exercise or just being active, I feel better emotionally. If I just sit around and feel bad then I usually end up feeling worse.

    For instance, I was feeling really glum and down on myself lately and very antisocial. I felt no inspiration for my artwork, for housework, for friendship, or any activities outside the apartment. I didn't want to go to church or work or even movie night with friends. I ended up ditching all but work and then I had an increase in work hours (from 5 per week to 17+) and I've been working for the last four days.

    I was not only working and earning more money, but I was burning calories and being active. I usually burn 1100 calories per shift. And I've been taking care of myself the last few days by eating really well too.

    It all paid off because I was feeling TONS better AND I managed to shed 5lbs!

    So go clean or do your workout. You can always imagine that you're scrubbing at whatever is upsetting you. :D
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Dance while you clean or maybe some old school Jumping Jacks and toe touches would do the trick. Put on some of your favorite Jr.High and High School music and Jam out. The crap I used to listen to always cheers me up.
  • ladyphoebe
    ladyphoebe Posts: 46 Member
    Alright, you all have convinced me. Im going to go get some cleaning done and hopefully when the hubby gets off work I will be able to talk him into taking the baby to the park for a bit.
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