Totally Bummed And Defeated

I was doing fantastic and feeling great when not only did I hit a plateau which is discouraging enough but I started blowing it totally calorie wise!!! It all started when I fixed my son's easter basket Sat night and continued Sun when I totally binged on mallow cups at my moms!!! :grumble: :grumble: :angry: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: Now not only am I depressed and defeated, I cant seem to get a grip it's like a slippy slope. Last night I made my friend cupcakes for her b-day and ate some- too embarassed to say how many! This is not the new me this is the old me creeping back in. Please be gentle but tell me what to do!!!


  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    You have the power to say no. No one is going to be able to do it for you. So tomorrow, why don't you start fresh, make sure you plan for what your going to do to make the right choices, get your food planned out (include some good fresh fruit that taste good) chill some flavored water, make a healthy snack ahead of time, so that you have an alternative when the nagging in your head starts. Then use the tools. Get on here and get some support from some friends, read someones success story and envision that person is you!

    You can do it!!!!!!
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    You just did it. Admit that you are making mistakes. Now every time you get ready to put a bite in your mouth, think about it. How many calories is in it? How much fat? Sodium? I have a new rule that I wont eat anything without first knowing the nutrition info for it.
    It is not easy, but it WILL get easier. You can do this, you know you can, climb back up here on the wagon with me and lets get healthy!
    I did the same thing with Easter....for me it was the robin eggs (whoppers) ugh...I love, love, love those things. I was doing good till my hubby had to go take a phone call and I was all alone with the candy! Then the next day I was like, " hey I already ruined it last night, might as well eat the whole bag..." NO NO NO bad or two...that is all.
    Another good idea is to make yourself log it all. I tend to slack off on logging on the weekend, but if I go back and try to add up my calories I am amazed at how much I ate....logging is a big time motivator.
    Keep your chin up, I know you can get back on track.
    I am on a plateau also...very frustrating when you are working so hard. Keep at it though, it will happen as long as you are.
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    I had a horrible easter weekend food wise, didnt work out much, had way to much candy and unhealthy food, my husbands family has very unhealthy 'traditional' recipes, I tried to lighten it up by making a roast chicken and veggies and angel food cake to go along side the fatty ham, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, pistacio fluff, cheesecake etc, but still ended up eating way too much, I didnt even bother adding to the diary I was so ashamed, felt so bad I went and had a meatball sub at subway just cuz it smelled good, and felt worse after. but after one day of getting back on track, I feel so much better about it, can put it all in perspective. Its not going to make a huge difference in the long term if you get back on track.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 644 Member
    Katiepessia- Thanks a million sometimes it helps to just know I am not alone! YOu are right I just have to get back on track. My work is having a "pig out" tomorrow I am going to try to imagine that they all have nasty kitchens and licked their fingers while cooking! HA I am going to do this thanks so much!

    Reba971 Thanks so much you are right admitting it is half the battle and I like what you said about thinking about every bite that is so true. Logging is a great Idea too I was skipping those days but do need to log it so later when I am like OMG what the H&^% happened I will know why I am stuck!

    Legacysh- You are so right- I neeeded that kick- gotta learn to say no- My mouth is in control! Thanks Girl!
  • heatherann76
    So you admitted what you did now you can plan to start again tomorrow. You just have to decide to make a commitment to yourself and work hard at keeping it. You can do it just pick yourself up and let go of the mistakes.
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    You can do it! Just remember how good it feels when you are losing and when you are eating right. I was feeling pretty defeated the past few days and added a simliar post yesterday. One person's advice was to just fake it until you feel it. I like that a lot. I started faking it and it seems to be working so far. :)
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    Each day is new. I tend to approach eating like I approach spending money. How many hours do I have to work to pay for something I want to buy.... how much exercise do I have to do if I want to eat that extra
    It took me 45 mins of really fast walking and jogging to work off the extra dinner/snacking calories from yesterday. Remember each day is a new one. Just make it a better one than yesterday! You can do this!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 644 Member
    Wow! Thanks everyone love you guys so much!!!
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    I don't know why we do this to ourselves when we fall off the plan a little. I feel your pain - I started celebrating Easter the Wed before Easter weekend and had 5 bad eating days out of the 7 of Easter week. :/ I have been beating myself up, feeling like the "old me" was creeping back in, also. But heres the thing:

    The "old me" would have let this ruin all my work, and let a few slip-ups turn into a week, then a month, then I gain all the weight back and then some, rinse, repeat a few times. But what is different this time is that the "new me" (and the new you) will put these little slips behind me and continue on succesfully. And guess what else?? This isn't the last time you will have a treat or give in to temptation. Learning how to handle these slips is part of the work we have to do.

    Best of luck to you. And know you're not alone - by the looks of a lot of the posts around here (including one of mine!) I think a lot of folks have regrets this week over Easter indulgences.
  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    No great achievement is possible without persistent work.

    Pick your self up and start again tomorrow. We will all slip but getting back up is the important part. Just think how great its going to feel to get to your goal and look back at where you came from with all the hard work youre capable of.
  • norriedawn
    norriedawn Posts: 16 Member
    I know exactly how you feel - I've been having the same problem. I did so well in the first two months and then I got sick for a few weeks and everything went wonky. I'm stuggling with eating the right foods and have found my will power lagging. I keep telling myself tomorrow is a new day and to keep with it, but it is hard. The responses to your post are encouraging - definitely some strategies to use. I have a quote on my bulletin board, which has helped - "Motivation is a decision, not a feeling." Hang in there!
  • Mandalicious
    I had almost a whole week like that, too. I could NOT resist the Easter cookies, cupcakes or candy in our house. Just kept going back for more, more, more. Finally I had my husband take the rest to work to get them out of the house. I just decided that with them gone, my temptation would be gone, too. Also posted on mfp and got some great encouragement when I was really down on myself about it. So... I am paying it forward. Pick yourself right back up, dust yourself off, and know that YOU can do it. Every time you say no to temptation, celebrate yourself and your strength. It's not easy, but move past it and just treat tomorrow as a fresh start. Go get 'em!