


  • boothekm
    boothekm Posts: 60 Member
    Zumba classes are pretty extreme no matter what size you are. I've done the classes and also have the dvds. Some of the workouts on the dvds are harder than others. The 20 minute Zumba and Flat Abs Zumba won't really make you sweat. The Cardio Party and ZumbaLive one does though....at least for me!

    I think, too, that bigger people burn more calories, so that may be the calorie difference you see.
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    I think it has to be your teacher... zumba (although so fun you don't realize your tired till your done) kicks my butt, I'm usually drenched by the end, energized, and exausted...
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I look around in my Zumba class and ... we're not all doing the same workout. You can make it more/less intense, and my instructor gives directions to make it easier for those who need it. We also warm up and cool down, so I usually only put myself down for 45 minutes, because I'm not burning crazy calories for 60 minutes straight. That still gives me 500 calories, but I can't tell you whether that's accurate or not and, because I'm skeptical, I don't eat back all my Zumba calories.

    Edited to add - regarding working up a sweat - only half of us have a decent sweat going and we're the ones who jump 180 degrees instead of calming turning around. I am trying to get my $5/class worth :P
  • jadedjade24
    jadedjade24 Posts: 127
    I burn up to 500-550, sometimes more depending on what the class is like. Remember that the calories you burn is directly connected to how hard you work, and how high your HR is. If you don't get into it, or have a light day in Zumba, then you are not going t oburn as much as you would if you go all out. I get my heart to pump at 70% of it's total compacity on purpose, That way I burn the most that I could possibly, and you totally work up a sweat. My shirt is damp, if not very wet, when I finish an hour work out.
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    I think it mostly has to do with how much you weigh? I personally way around 180 lbs and in an hour session of zumba i burn around 600 calories. I know my instructor is a very high cardio instructor, as well as being in a room with 15 people, i walk out like i've taken a shower. Personally i think having a HRM would be the best bet, but i think it might have to do with how much you weigh compared to how hard you work.

    I know one girl on mfp feed burns 1200 calories in a 60 min session, but she is also approx 100-200 lbs heavier than i am.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    I just did zumba last night while wearing my HRM and I burned 720 calories! I probably weigh more than you though, and my instructor really works us like crazy. She does lots of fast paced moves plus moves that focus on strength as well (she'll throw in a whole song with squats or a whole song working abs, etc.). I have had instructors who were not so great and I only burned 400 or so calories though. So like everyone said, it depends on your weight, your level of fitness, and whether or not you've got a great instructor.
  • bettynfamily1
    bettynfamily1 Posts: 2 Member
    Maybe it is the instructor! In my area we have a couple that teaches Zumba and if you don't burn at least 600 calories then it is because you are not exerting yourself! I have lost 33 lbs with doing Zumba 2-3 nights a week.
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    I love the Zumba on Wii! I actually just bought it a couple of days ago, and I can't wait until all the daycare kids are gone for the day so I can pop it in and go. I had someone tell me its not near a workout....but it is for me! To each their own I guess. And I am not a little person, so this could possibly be why I get a workout with it. Glad to hear someone say something positive about Zumba on the Wii so I don't feel like such a loser - ha! :)

    I have it on kinect... LOVE it :):love:
  • manique45
    manique45 Posts: 99 Member
    Your caloric burn is based on age, weight, sex and a few other factors. Larger individuals may tend to burn more than smaller. Think Mac truck vs. a Prius. The mac takes more energy to move it.

    Zumba is definitely not a high intensity cardio work out, but you can certainly go all out and get your heart rate elevated into your Heart Rate Zone 3.

    The best advice is to have variety in your workouts and do things you enjoy.

    Also use a heart rate monitor. The MFP calculations for exercises are just generic and not truly accurate.

    Hope that helps a bit.

    Yes these are all important factors! I LOVE Zumba, I love classes and I have the xbox core and rush games that I do often, yesterday wearing my HRM i burned 431 calories in 40 minutes.... I def work up a dripping sweat... I think maybe your teacher is not that great.... I also burn close to the same during a 40 min Insanity work out, just depends on your heart rate...
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    I don't know if someone posted this already but i find this calorie counter very helpful

  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    As a newly certified Zumba instructor I am a bit partial to the class and the benefits that Zumba provides. I have lost so far 110lbs through Zumba and have about 50lbs more to go. I became certified because I had an amazing instructor that inspired me and encouraged me to push it, so I in turn want to inspire others as well.

    I bought a HRM to see exactly how many calories I am burning in my classes and I average about 778 to 850 calories in one hour based on how intense my classes are for that day. I leave my classes completely drenched and feeling amazing. Mind you I am still over 200lbs. But it isn't the size that matters it is the effort you put in that burns the calories.

    I would say if your not sweating when you leave then the instructor is not doing their job! It is a proven fact that the class only gives about 50% of the effort the instructor puts into the workout. So as an intructor you have to be passionate and super energetic so your class picks up on that and gets a great workout.

    Hope this helped!
  • Tbuttrfly79
    Tbuttrfly79 Posts: 4 Member
    Not sweating during Zumba!!??? WOW!!! There must be something wrong with the instructor or you may not be moving as you should!
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    during a 50 minute class, i usually burn at least 600 calories according to my HRM when i wear it. I am drenched in sweat by the time i'm done too, so yours sounds like a less effective class. It also depends on the person, some people get really low burns, and apparently mine are higher.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    As a newly certified Zumba instructor I am a bit partial to the class and the benefits that Zumba provides. I have lost so far 110lbs through Zumba and have about 50lbs more to go. I became certified because I had an amazing instructor that inspired me and encouraged me to push it, so I in turn want to inspire others as well.

    I bought a HRM to see exactly how many calories I am burning in my classes and I average about 778 to 850 calories in one hour based on how intense my classes are for that day. I leave my classes completely drenched and feeling amazing. Mind you I am still over 200lbs. But it isn't the size that matters it is the effort you put in that burns the calories.

    I would say if your not sweating when you leave then the instructor is not doing their job! It is a proven fact that the class only gives about 50% of the effort the instructor puts into the workout. So as an intructor you have to be passionate and super energetic so your class picks up on that and gets a great workout.

    Hope this helped!

    i completely agree. we have several instructors at our Y, and there are a couple that really get me working hard.
  • duckiec
    duckiec Posts: 241 Member
    Adding my agreement- my HRM puts me at 480-600/hr, and that all depends on the class, instructor, songs, and how much I give it. If I know the songs/routines more, I can focus on really pushing it- jumping instead of tapping, fully incorporating arms, etc.

    Finding a style/instructor that works for you is key, too. When I first started taking live classes, they were only okay. 400-450/cals, didn't love the choreography, not really high-energy. Found some different classes that I really like, and I burn 100+ more cals each time. I only go once a week, but know there's classes other days I'm itching to get to!
  • ForABetterMe89
    I take Zumba at my gym, and there are 3 different instructors that I have had lead my classes. One of them I love, I really break a sweat. Another it really just depends on her song list for the night. The third though, I won't go back to her class because I just didn't sweat, at all. It really all depends on your instructor and what you put into it as well. There are women at the class who are just going thru the motions, and there are other women who are sweating like crazy, like buckets. So I say it's possible to easily burn 500+ calories, but I also think it's possible to only burn 250+. I know when I leave my clothes are sticking to me from the sweat.
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    I bought a HRM because it seems like MFP has a really high estimation of calories burned. I really do think it depends on your instructor and how much you put into it. My instructor now does A LOT of jumping around and when I can keep up I burn more calories. Some days I have to do a modification where I mimic the steps but not jump so much since it hurts my feet. Some instructors pay more attention to teaching dance moves slowly and that just doesn't feel like a cardio workout.
  • lagataner
    lagataner Posts: 3
    As a Zumba instructor I can tell you the over 500 kcal burning is guaranteed for participants. If you are not soaking wet by the end of the session please run away. The instructor which doesn't make you sweat is not a good instructor. Go and find a good one.

    But I agree that no result if you do not give everything into it and also you have to know the routine to be able to give the maximum into the movement.!

    Good luck!
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    As a Zumba instructor I can tell you the over 500 kcal burning is guaranteed for participants. If you are not soaking wet by the end of the session please run away. The instructor which doesn't make you sweat is not a good instructor. Go and find a good one.

    But I agree that no result if you do not give everything into it and also you have to know the routine to be able to give the maximum into the movement.!

    Good luck!

    I weigh 120 pounds ( give or take 5 depending on the time of month) MFP counts 478 calories for an hour of Zumba for me.
    I love our instructor at the gym. She really enjoys teaching the class which makes it more fun.