I'm losing it.



  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    Bella, I'm so glad you posted here instead of holding all that sadness inside and unspoken. When I read your post, I thought about a meditation practice that is ridiculously simple and can be done anywhere, any time - no candle or incense needed. It's called tonglen, and part of it has to do with recognizing that in a world of billions of people, at any given time, millions of others are feeling exactly like you - struggling with feeling alone, sadness, weight loss, you name it, we've all got it at one time or another.

    Check out this link, it's a really simple practice and VERY effective.


    peace to you.
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    Ohhh I understand the sleep thing! I have a 4yo, 3yo and a 10mth old. Thankfully my 10mth old 'only' wakes 2-3 times a night and generally goes back to sleep pretty quick, it takes a real toll on your sanity huh? Just take it a step at a time. Focus on small acheivements (doesn't even have to be weight-loss related) and hopefully you'll start feeling a bit more positive soon :flowerforyou:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Get back on track and you'll start to feel much better. I exercise alone and honestly, I prefer it. I can focus on what I'm doing and can make sure I get the most out of my workouts. I have a lot of friends on this site that help keep me motivated even when I'm not losing. It's hard for us all, we all face plateaus. It's something we have to overcome ourselves but support from other people here helps keeps the spirits up.
  • lindaj13
    lindaj13 Posts: 30
    You began this journey because it was something you wanted to do for yourself...............now put on your big girl pants and stop feeling sorry for yourself and get back to the task at hand...............do it for you! And you are never without someone to support you on this site and you sure aren't dieting alone..................we're all in the same boat............so start rowing.
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    Oh gosh I remember the sleep deprivation all too well. *shudder* Any reason why the baby wakes up so much?
  • JustGila
    JustGila Posts: 23 Member
    I hear ya-I have been on this site for almost a month and I have only lost about 5 lbs. I have gone crazy with my exercise and food journaling and I really want better results. I some how keep reminding myself that it didnt take a short amount of time to lose the weight so I have to let my body adjust to my new healthy living. Its going to take time.
    Does your family know you are trying to lose weight? do they know that you need their love and support through this process? If you arent sure about those or know that they dont it might be a good idea to tell them.
    You can do this. its going to take a while but you can do it-when you are ready.

    Good Luck!!

  • bellarox13
    bellarox13 Posts: 95 Member
    She started crawling, two top teeth and head cold all at once so that started it off. Just as things settle she either starts teething again or at the moment is getting a stuffy nose. My two year old is sick at the moment too.