Getting used to weight loss but feeling fat again?



  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    Yea! I feel that way a lot. I see myself everyday and I still feel fat.. I don't know, it's hard to explain. Although when I put my Old clothes on, it re-assures me :)
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    Granted, I'm nowhere near done and still have 100+ lbs to go. But Even having lost 104 lbs so far...I'll have a day where I feel good that I fit into something smaller and then 3 hours later I just go back to feeling like a blob. Which I still sort of, but I don't feel like looking in the mirror I'm any different than 100 lbs ago. I know I have to be, but I don't see it. I suppose it's mind and emotion not catching up with the physical. *shrug*
  • deanne525
    deanne525 Posts: 69 Member
    add me to the list. I feel the exact same way.

    I lost 30lbs relatively easily. Felt awesome. My clothes were all big, people were complimenting me on my weight loss. I was definitely on a high.

    Fast forward and I have now been on a weight loss plateau for 4 months. I have been struggling with the same 5lbs over and over and OVER again. I no longer can see or feel the weight loss and am beginning to feel big and dumpy again. I feel like none of my clothes look good on me. Its totally frustrating.

    Ive been trying so hard to jump start the weight loss again, but nothing yet.
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    yes, me too!!!! I seriously think i have self-image issues. I look back at a picture of me in my bikini from my honeymoon 7 years ago and I think "damn, what was I complaining about then, I'd give anything to get back there" I have that picture on my fridge as motivation and my bedroom mirror to keep me focused. I have made myself the promise that I would look at myself differently when I get there again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I just hope I can keep that promise, I have lost more than half of what I needed to, to get there, and I look in the mirror and I still see the same ole me:cry:
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    You are definitely not alone. I feel the same way even though I have people that tell me how good I look I still feel fat. I wonder if I will ever be satisfied with the way I look. Will I ever be happy?
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    I very much understand where you are coming from! :grumble:

    It does not feel like I lost 17 pounds today. I guess I have gotten used to this weight being gone and I am starting to get impatient for more of a loss. :embarassed:

    We got this! I know we do, or we wouldn't have made it this far! :drinker:
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    hey everyone out there! So I dont think I'm the only one that has this least I hope not....BUT I lost about 15-18lbs. I'm still not at my goal weight so Im still on my weight loss journey. The "problem" I have is that after initially losing all this weight, I felt great! Now that I've been plateauing for a bit I'm starting to feel disgusting again. I feel that I'm no longer happy with the weight I lost and I'm beginning to feel self conscious again.

    This is so frustrating and I'm getting down about my weight again. I've got about 15 more lbs to lose but I can never get below 157. Weight is beginning to be on my mind all the time and I'm already dreading wearing shorts in public!

    Anyone else feel this way or have some encouraging words? I could really use some right now : /

    Yes. I'm down a little over 20 and have about 13 left to go. But even when those are gone, it will be years before I'm in the shape I used to be in.

    So while I'm sometimes excited about what I've lost, sometimes I can only see how far I have to go. Sometimes I feel both ways in the same day!
  • farcry66
    farcry66 Posts: 47 Member
    I actually don't think the way you feel about how you look really has anything to do with the way you look!

    I am a very overweight person, currently 268lbs however, I am happier with the way I look and have more self-confidence than one of my friends who is literally the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!

    We are both in the Girl Guides and were recently at an international camp, we got into a routine where we would get up, go for breakfast, have a shower and get ready for the day ahead. She would not get out the tent without full make up on (which she would have to reapply after the shower)as she hated the way she looked. She wore some really baggy clothes as she didn;t want to show off her body. She had a totally false image in her head.

    I think if your main goal for losing weight is to look better, then by the time you get to your goal weight, you are unlikely to beleive you do look better. If your goal is to be healthier and have a better lifestyle, I think you will be more satisfied.

    I have no idea what the answer is apart from therapy (I know that sounds flippant, but it is not meant to be). We all have a very false idea of how other people percieve us. Most of the time we put a negative spin on it - it seems to be human nature.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I feel so sad when I read this stuff.

    You are who you are. What makes you a good person isn't determined by what you weigh, how you lose weight, or how much Cardio you can do.

    I truly believe you can't be healthy or lose weight until you are happy. Happiness dependant on how you look or what you weigh will always lead you back to feeling crappy.
  • kated930
    kated930 Posts: 132
    You are definitely not alone. I feel the same way even though I have people that tell me how good I look I still feel fat. I wonder if I will ever be satisfied with the way I look. Will I ever be happy?

    I hear you. I ask myself all the time if I am ever going to be happy with how I look. I met my goal of 125 lbs, and then I read that an ideal weight for a 5' 3'' woman is 115, so I made that my new goal. I am so determined to get there (8 lbs away), but I have recently come to a stop, which is frustrating. I'm wondering if I'll even be happy when I get to 115. I am constantly nit-picking at my body too. I hate being so caught up on all this because I know I work so hard to keep healthy. GRRR
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I've been a lot bigger and somewhat smaller than I am today. All along the way I thought I was a fattie. I think perhaps the fact that we can't see ourselves as right-sized is what leads to gaining the weight back.