I hate people who love to exercise!!



  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    I understand! I would never say I LOVE to work out....but i'm a stay at home mom to 2 kids under 5, with a husband who works LONG days, so that time for me at the gym is sometimes the ONLY free time I get from the time my kids wake up until they go to bed at night. So while I can think of other things I would rather be doing with that free time, I'll gladly take what i can get! Plus when I am frustrated, I take it out on the machine! No one gets hurt except the calories I'm burning!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I still hate sweating. But I sweat less running outside, even when it's hot, than I do on a treadmill in air conditioned comfort.

    I actually kinda like the soreness of well-worked achy muscles. Especially if they're "I didn't even know I HAD muscles there!" muscles! (Armpit muscles? Really?)

    I love challenging myself to do better and better each time.

    I love knowing that the phrase "I can't..." has no place in my vocabulary. Oh, hell yeah, I can!
  • Bubs05
    Bubs05 Posts: 182 Member
    Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill people.

    This made me LOL :)
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Working out to music
    That GORGEOUS shower after working out
    The feeling in my lungs after a workout (feels great!)
    My newer shape
    My clothes not fitting me anymore
  • Doing_me
    Doing_me Posts: 91 Member
    That is so true. I would die exercising without music or something to distract me :)
  • Doing_me
    Doing_me Posts: 91 Member
    Although I am one of those people who "like" to exercise...I wouldn't go so far as to say love - working out use to be very boring for me as well.

    All that changed once I bought my ipod.

    Try listening to music you really like, or even books while you work out. It makes it enjoyable and the workout goes by much faster.

    Gurl that is so true!!!!
  • monkeymomof3
    monkeymomof3 Posts: 107 Member
    I :heart: Legally Blond :smile:

    I love to run. I don't love to exercise. I will tolerate riding my recumbent bike if I didn't get to run. I can run forever on a treadmill but prefer to run forever outside. I love putting on my ipod, turning it all the way up and listening to music, that I eventaully don't even really hear because I have gone somewhere in my brain where thought is no longer conscious enough for me to notice it. I have escaped. It is quiet. For one hour a day I am alone with myself and I love it! I also :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: the muscles that are becoming more and more defined all over my body. I hate the sweat, and I sweat like a pig, but it stops when I'm done :) I love the pain. I love to know I have challeneged myself to do better, faster, further, etc, whatever goal I set for myself that day. And I love the feeling I get on an "easy" day to know I just finished 3 miles in under 30 minutes....I still sweat - but it's "easy" for me to do that now. And I LOVE that feeling of accomplishment! I also do love the calories I get back :) I love food!

    If you want to see "immediate" (not really) results and don't care if you enjoy your workouts then go with what the trainer or whoever tells you to go with. If you want to get into a routine and stick with it find what you love and make it yours - refine it as you go, change it up when you need to....just find something you love!
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i love the clear feeling in my chest after exercise (thats after i've finished coughing my guts up and the phlegm has stopped rattling round of course) its like i've been breathing in vicks vapour rub its such a change to the usual stuffy feeling
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill people.

    Love it!!!

    I'm not a huge lover of exercise myself - but I do like the way it makes you look and feel afterwards!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill people.

    This is very true! We had an unreal winter where I live in Montana and I became sun deficient. This caused major depression for me and if it were not for my daily EXERCISE my husband may be six feet under!! I will not take an antidepressant unless I absolutely have to!!
    I find some sort of fitness (anything moving for at LEAST a 1/2) EVERY day of the year!!
    To me exercise is taking care of my health, sorta like brushing & flossing is taking care of your teeth!
    Attitude also makes it easier! Just tell yourself the positives. Do your BEST and FORGET the rest!:wink:
  • Kristy085
    Kristy085 Posts: 65 Member
    I stopped looking at it as exercise...I look at it as "my quiet time" away from the world. I enjoy having that hour to hour a half a day where I know I won't be bothered by my phone/people/e-mails. I chose a gym that is close to work so I can swing by where I won't know hardly anyone...it's my personal time to reflect. I'll watch TV or just work out in silence to clear my mind. I exercise for mental reasons rather than weight loss...which seems to keep me motivated on going every day! It's all about your perception!:smokin

  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    It takes a long time, but you will learn to like (and maybe even love) exercising.

    I saw it as a chore for a whole year until I started going to the gym 5-6 days a week. Then I would really miss my workouts when I didn't go. I won't do mindless, boring 45 mintue jogs on the treadmill though. I do high intensity intervals amd weight lifting. I started Insanity this week. It's a matter of finding something you enjoy and doing it everyday until it is a habit. You will start to notice how much more energized you are after a workout.

    I still have those days when I don't want to get out of bed at 5 am to workout. Thankfully, I'm not perfect, because if I was, I'd be hella boring.
  • McFrench
    McFrench Posts: 205 Member
    I hate the eliptical.
    I hate running/jogging.
    I love walking. I love hiking. I love swimming and waer aerobics. I love biking. I love kickboxing, step aerobics and I almost love Zumba.
    I hate when I miss a day of working out. I am growing to love the feeling of superworked, sore muscles. I love how strong I have gotten! I love how much my endurance has grown. I love my Polar FT4 HRM.

    I especially love My Fitness Pal!!
  • Tracenspace
    Tracenspace Posts: 53 Member
    I hate to jog but I can walk fast for miles! My iPhone helps me though. I pop on my ear buds and listen to music or chat on the phone. I may look crazy talking to myself with headphones on but it passes the time. I LOVE the idea someone had of audio books. I may have to get some of those.

    It does get better. When I first started my husband said "Don't you love the fresh air?" and I thought "No! All I smell is car exhaust and dog turds and rotting fruit from people fruit trees as I passed their homes." I had such a bad attitude about it but I stuck with it and now it's just part of my routine and I hate it a lot less.

    I LOVE the energy it gives me and I love that I get to eat more or have that glass of wine in the evening because I've burned some extra calories. I also love that it's working! I've been on here for less than 3 weeks and I've dropped 7 lbs.

    Good luck! I know if you stick to it you'll find something that works for you :)