Fact or opinion?

There are no experts on this website that I am aware of. Therefore, if you want advice remember that you are getting OPINION. And that opinion MAY OR MAY NOT be based on fact! If you want to know FOR SURE research it for yourself! I find it funny how SOME people on here blog or post as if what they say is fact but yet they post NO sources for thier information! Its all, "I read once" or "My doc says"! Well great for your Doctor but for all we know he specializes is crap and smoke up your *kitten*! Do the work yourself for what you want to know! Read a damn book! Libraries are FULL OF THEM! Or research medical journals and articles on line! You can get studies with PROOF of this or that. But by all means if you just wanting different opinions than no worries. Nothing comes easy, at least nothing worth having. AND in the end all you have is your health. So if you choose the fad diet or feed into "is there a starvation mode or not" you may find the info you get is lacking or counter to reality once you do look up factual information. But if you choose not to the only one to blame is you and NOT the opinions of others. They have no accountability to you.


  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I agree. Thumbs WAY up on this one!!
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I never take what people say on here as fact. This is the internet after all. :wink:

    I do however appreciate everyone's opinions.
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I never take what people say on here as fact. This is the internet after all. :wink:

    I do however appreciate everyone's opinions.

    And thats all I am saying. Too often see people getting all wound up over someone opinion on something blah blah blah. I just think personal responsibilty is lacking sometimes ya know???
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    True. What works for one does not always work for another. I will gladly listen to what people say worked or did not work for them. I will surely read some of the oddest stuff in here that may get me researching somethings for my self. I may take somethings to heart and try them on for size. I guarantee I will look at people in utter concern when they are doing what I feel is unhealthy, and I might actually say so. Then it never fails I will be surprised when someone gets their panties in a twist because the answers to their question is not the one they were hoping for. *shrugs* Such is life. I do really like it here in MFP, and I have grown to love MFP family and each individual in it. :heart: So what ever works for you I will be there in any way I can be, but I will always be me. :drinker:
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    well said
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Amen! I've done research and have come to a conclusion based on facts& tired of all the misinformation I've been seeing on her
  • flutterqueen04
    You said it! So many times I want to just tell some people "If you want the BEST answer for YOU then talk to YOUR doctor!" Like you said if you are on here for a variety of opinions and different views on ideas then the threads are your best resource. You can come across some good opinions, but like you said, they are opinions! If you really want a real answer as to what you should be doing for your own body you need to talk to the person with your medical history, who knows a few more details and facts about how your body functions than strangers who only see your pictures and words. I get annoyed to when I see people who think they know it all and have all the answers...especially with that whole starvation mode/eating exercise calories topic. GAH! I cringe when I see someone post a new question thread about it. I eat my exercise calories and I am losing steadily so I just have to laugh when people are adamant that it doesn't work. They don't say "it doesn't work for ME" they scream "IT DOESN'T WORK AT ALL!!!" and I just have to scratch my head and look at my weight loss progression chart and think "really, it doesn't?!" Haha...oh well. I know for me, if I read something that sounds about right....or even sound incredible ludicrous, I google it right away and see what information is out there about it. And I look for reputable websites, not blogs, not other threads, not wikipedia, actual groups like webmd, CDC, etc. and I research it on my own. In the end we are the only ones accountable for our bodies and weight loss. :)