C25k Week 4 knee pain...

Just looking for a little input here :) I have never had bad knees, but since starting the C25K program a few weeks ago my right knee is giving me some troubles. It's not actually my "knee" but just below my knee on the inside (if you put your legs together, the spot where both your knees would come together, about two inches below the knee joint). I wrap my knee when I run and use a cream for pain relief but the walking part of the program HURTS, like I limp walk, but the running feels okay. When I get home the joint feels "loose" but with resting it that feeling goes away. The spot is painful to touch, but with daily movement I don't notice the pain too much unless I twist the wrong way or kneel down (which I do a lot with three kids lol).

My question is...is this normal "breaking in the joints and muscles" pain from never running before? Should I be worried about it or keep going? I REALLY love running and I don't want to stop, but I don't want to end up with a horrible injury either. If it's something that my body just needs to go through to get stronger, then I will put up with it and just be as careful as possible.

Any input or ideas would be awesome! CHEERS :)


  • huizenm
    huizenm Posts: 74 Member
    I'm also doing the C25K and I'll be starting Week 4 on Saturday. :) Good for you!!

    I would think that if you are experiencing pain in your knees that it's probably not good. As our bodies work out our muscles are sore/fatigued but pain in joints isn't good.

    How are your shoes? That might contibute to some of the pain if they are worn out?

    Personally, I wouldn't continue if I was having knee issues. Maybe try the elliptical instead, less impact on your knees & joints.

    Also, I'm not a doctor so maybe schedule an appt with yours and she was he/she thinks. :)

    Good Luck!
  • FatDoctor
    FatDoctor Posts: 40 Member
    Fairly common problem with lateral knee ligament. I haven't avoided it myself. The solution I have had to resort to, was: Take some rest - no running for 2-3 weeks or 4-5 days after the pain has subsided. Mean time - anti inflammatory preparations - for pain control. The fitting of good running shoes done by professionals in a running shoe shop. That has fixed it.
  • rebeccalippett
    rebeccalippett Posts: 21 Member
    I would get it looked at by a physio. It could be ITB syndrome (Illio-Tibbial Band) more commonly known as "runners knee" - a fairly common complaint for runners but the spot you mention seems a little to low for that. The ITB runs down the outside of the thigh to the knee and is often caused by a weak gluteus medius. Knee pain can be rectified by doing weight training to strengthen the leg muscles that support the knee. A trip to a good physiotherapist should help point you in the right direction. Also, a bit of web research on ITB could help? But I would get it properly diagnosed by a physio.

    Personally I find that weight training on a Adductor and Abductor machine helps my knee pain, along with hamstring curl and leg press weight machines only working one leg at a time rather than both.

    Hope that makes sense!