Muscle soreness

I have been running about 1.5-2 miles a day, 3-4 days a week...i make sure to stretch really good after i get done running, but still have sore calves constantly! is there any sort of supplements or remedies that anyone can suggest, besides stretching (which i do multiple times daily)...


  • saldridge
    saldridge Posts: 125 Member
    Do you also stretch before?
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I have had a sore calf for a couple of months and don't run more than twice a week (I also do the lower body arc for cadio and fast walking). I will be interested to see what types of answers you get as I hate waking up with such a sore calf muscle all the time.
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    Try drinking a protein shake or eating high-protein foods within 15 minutes of running. It repairs the muscle damage and does wonders for the pain.
  • LozFearn
    LozFearn Posts: 4 Member
    Give yourself some rest! Running every day may result in injury. Your body gets fitter as it recovers, not as you exercise.

    Make sure you eat enough protein, and just take it steady. Unfortunately the aches you get with exercising, are your bodies way of telling you it's adjusting. Just take things a bit easier.
  • lipt8611
    lipt8611 Posts: 60 Member
    try upping your potassium, i used to get sore calves and that helped me
  • Dianefhw
    Dianefhw Posts: 3
    Hi! Make sure your shoes are good (it's worth it to go to a fancy running store where they'll help you choose a pair that's best for your body and stride). Also, your stride might be off, so check out some good running books or websites--maybe adjusting your technique a little will do it.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Other runners have suggested using a foam roller - pre and post running. Here's the thread to the other discussion:
  • Mark330
    Mark330 Posts: 75
    Be sure to take a day off in between. Sore calves are typically caused by putting too much stress on the balls of the feet. Try running like you walk (heel to toe). It isnt great form, but will help until you get your body adapted. Also, hydrate!
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    Make sure when you're jogging that you are runnning heal to toe. If your calves are sore, its an indicator you're running on your toes. As a sprinter, I have the same problem. I'm now training for a half marathon and I have to reteach myself how to run. My best suggestion would to juust be aware of your form when running.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    I totally recommend the potassium (bananas). I also say yes if your calf is sore do a different exercise the next day to give the calf a break. I switch between things so I don't get to sore. Also don't stretch before you workout!! Someone said that earlier on here, you don't want to stretch when your muscles are cold. I recommend jumping around or walking for 5 minutes before you stretch then you can start your workout.....then stretch after your workout. If you are over stretching you can cause problems with your legs. Another thing is to make sure you are stretching correctly if you are bending your knee when trying to stretch the calf then you need to straighten your leg. One last thing sorry its long I also really recommend Epson Salt Baths! I love them and they help with soreness, sounds silly but it works for me :) Hope this all helps
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    I totally recommend the potassium (bananas). I also say yes if your calf is sore do a different exercise the next day to give the calf a break. I switch between things so I don't get to sore. Also don't stretch before you workout!! Someone said that earlier on here, you don't want to stretch when your muscles are cold. I recommend jumping around or walking for 5 minutes before you stretch then you can start your workout.....then stretch after your workout. If you are over stretching you can cause problems with your legs. Another thing is to make sure you are stretching correctly if you are bending your knee when trying to stretch the calf then you need to straighten your leg. One last thing sorry its long I also really recommend Epson Salt Baths! I love them and they help with soreness, sounds silly but it works for me :) Hope this all helps

    I agree and the Epsom salt baths will really help. Also making sure you're properly hydrated is another factor as well. If you don't like bananas go for kiwi they too are high in potassium.