Got Frustrated by Gym Politics & Tactics

I went for my fit test yesterday at the gym i just joined. I used to be a member there about 5 years ago, so i knew what to expect... Fit test, point out what you need to work on, tell you that you can't achieve this or that without personal training.

I'm a number one fan of personal training, when you have a good trainer. I have had maybe 6 of them over the last 10 years, with only 2 worth remembering. Thousands of dollars later, i'm excited to put the knowledge they provided to test.

So i'm sitting in the office with the PT giving me my fit test, and he's telling me that i'm doing too much cardio, i'm not doing enough of this, i'm not doing enough of that, i'll never reach my goal, my metabolism is screwed up and blah blah blah. So i countered with, "i'm diabetic, on insulin, with PCOS. my hormones are screwed up. so, how does that affect this process that you're explaining to me" He couldn't give me an answer.

But despite all that, i let his jibber jabber get into my head. I'm trying to do things that keep me motivated, that are fun and that i know i can do long term. If i hate every moment of exercising...i don't think that the long term benefits will be enough to keep me moving forward.

Am i crazy for letting him, and his sales tactics get into my head? Its driving me crazy trying to figure out if he's saying these things for my well being, or for his paycheque.