30 Day Shred question

pittielover23 Posts: 268
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
When you first started, how many days a week were you doing the workout? I did it Tuesday night, took last night off (worked out, just not with that) and am planning on doing it again tonight...except I am still SUPER sore. Like sitting down hurts and standing hurts and walking hurts sore. Should I just push through that?


  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    I waiting to get that video. Right now i do Jackie Warner's one on one and two nights ago lower body im still sore! i ran last night and ill do upper body and abs tonight
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    let your muscles heal. it'll probably be like that the first few times you do it, take the breaks, let your muscles heal and jump back into it as soon as you feel fit. it will get easier and wont tear up your mucles everytime, but every level will have a new set of challenges...lol

    ETA I would probably try to get in some cardio on your off days just to keep things rolling.
  • jcreedy
    jcreedy Posts: 15
    I was the same way when I started! I would go ahead and push through it, but just do the modified moves that are a little easier. Once you get started, your muscles will loosen up and it will feel good!

    When I first started, I did Level 1 very sporadically because I work full time and have 3 kids...which means I am VERY busy! :) I just did it whenever I had time. Now I am doing Level 2, and am trying to do it at least 5 times per week. It is much easier when you keep doing it on a regular basis!

    Good luck! By the way, it is a great workout for the legs - I am LOVING how my legs are toning/shaping up!
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 526 Member
    Honestly, when I did the workout a bit sore, I actually felt better after. You don't want to push too hard because you don't want an injury, but just take it a bit slower, and it will get easier as the days go on.

    I am just starting my second round. I do it about 5 days a week. Usually M-F ....sometimes it will vary.

    Happy shredding!
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    If you're super sore then maybe take a day off. I'm doing 30DS right now and yes, Jillian is a total beast :) When I started doing weights classes a few months ago I had a hard time walking for 3 days, I found that getting into it helped me heal faster. However, some tips I've learned is that taking a warm bath with sea salt after a workout helps the muscles feel less sore, as well as consuming some protein after a workout.

    Don't push yourself too much as you don't want to risk injury, have fun and good luck with the rest of the shred!
  • missmmaynes
    missmmaynes Posts: 79 Member
    I think that the idea of it is to do it every day for 30 days - 10 days on each level. When I was doing it I did it every other day because it was too much for me to do every day. Either way it should still give some awesome results! Have fun!
  • marcial9s
    marcial9s Posts: 11
    I completed it not long ago, and did it everyday, even though some days I could barely do the squats I was so sore. I was in a challenge and we decided to try to do it everyday for 30 days. I'm not an expert but I thought your body needs recovery time, so I'm doing it again (just started Monday) and I'm shooting for 5X per week, along with my running and yoga. It's great for building strength and toning muscles, I saw a huge difference in my thighs and my arms after the first 10 days or so. I think you would benefit the most by taking a day or two off each week. I'm surprised there is no recommendation on workouts/week with the DVD!
    Good luck shredding it!
  • hawaiianmegan
    hawaiianmegan Posts: 11 Member
    Is it Jillian Michael's 30 day shred? I have her DVD too =) I would take one more day off but maybe still do some cardio. By tomorrow you should be feeling much better. After getting through 3 or 4 of the level 1 workout with her I was already feeling stronger and had more endurance, so it was less than two weeks. I also started out with taking more time off and can now do it comfortably every other day. I guess it's time to move up to level 2! Don't you love her motivational comments!?
  • mytwobabies
    mytwobabies Posts: 113 Member
    I am now on my second round but I do it everyday. On my first round I was sore but pushed through and it got better, maybe try just doing the modified version if it gets to be too much. I do have to say that even though I am on my second round it's still very rough on me lol but if you keep going you will get great results! Good luck! :)
  • sandyw127
    sandyw127 Posts: 131 Member
    i do it everyday.. the first few days i toook aleve right after and i didnt feel the soreness. so i kept on chuggin...
  • Jackie218
    Jackie218 Posts: 116 Member
    I was really sore as well when i did it the first time but i pushed thru and lost 3 lbs the first week :) its hard but the payoff is great!! if u can handle it i wouldnt take the day off, i usually do 6 days of it then a take the 7th day off! do what works and feels the best for you! good luck ;)
  • I do it everyday - she recommends that. On days I am really sore, I just don't use weights or don't do my high knees as high!
    I feel consistency is what helps you get results. Maybe if you are on Level 2 or 3 and are feeling sore, try to do level 1 instead - just a thought.
    I am seeing GREAT results from this program. I do cardio 3 or 4 days a week in addition. I have a week left and have lost 6 lbs. GREAT program. I am gonna do six week six pack after! Can't wait!
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