In a major funk right now!

I was doing really good with logging my calories in my MFP app, and was doing really good at sticking to my P90x routine...a back injury put a halt to all workouts for several weeks, unfortunately. I continued logging my calories most days, and doing pretty good about avoiding the binge-eating temptation. The back injury has finally calmed down, but now I'm in a major, major rut. The 5-6 pounds that had finally dropped (my body is super stubborn -- I'll work out good, eat right and not see a single pound lost for weeks or even months sometimes ... same case this time, it had just finally decided to give up a few pounds) ... are now back. I haven't been logging my calories, and have given in to major binge cravings as I've been feeling a little sorry for myself over my poor back and the fact that I'm recently unemployed due to layoffs (whine, whine, whine!).

Basically ... a major shift in my life has knocked me a little off balance. I'm in a mood today where the gym class I wanted to go to isn't offered at a time today that's convenient, I don't feel like popping in a P90x video and killing myself (because now I have to start back at day 1 and I'll be in Mexico all next week) ...and, just blah!!

Soooo ... I need some focus, I need to feel ok about the fact that I am NOT bikini ready for next week, and I need to figure out what to do with my day today so that I don't go to bed feeling like a major loser for not doing anything productive and healthy for me with my time.

Here's the plan:
1. Log all calories today.
2. Eat healthy on my lunch date.
3. Work out... that's where I'm stuck! What can I do today that's not going to re-injure my back or not totally kill me and leave me unable to get out of bed tomorrow??


  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    I'd try to find a place with a pool and do exercises in the pool. You get a lot more resistance from the water, especially if you do a water-exercise class (like at a gym), but it doesn't leave you bed-ridden the next morning. That's what I did Tuesday night when my legs were killing me and I didn't feel like hitting the elliptical. My gym has a schedule of exercise classes done in the pool, and I just popped in to the class for the first time Tuesday. The trainer was so good, I stayed for her second class. :]

    Hope that helps some.