Soft Drinks

I need help...

I've just moved to the US from the UK and am struggling to find healthy soft drinks for my kids. They would drink sugar free squash (cordial) in the UK and whilst I'm happy for them to drink some fresh fruit juice during the course of the day I'm not keen in them filling up on juice that is both bad for their teeth and sugar levels.

Clearly Diet Soda isn't the answer but I'm stumped as to what I can give them to drink. I'm trying to encourage them to drink more water but this isn't going well.

Can anybody recomend a kid friendly soft drink that isn't going to rot their teeth or send them on a sugar high?


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Honestly I only give my son water and soy milk (he's allergic to cow's milk) and juice very occasionally. If they're used to it already, you can just buy juice and water it down a bit so it's not so bad.
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    I know the kids I nanny for LOVE V8 Fusion juice or V8 Fusion Light. It has servings of fruits and vegetables in them and they drink it all the time.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Mott's has a juice for kids that's watered down, or you could just water down yourself. You could also try the Crystal Light packs or Koolaid made with artificial sweeteners (but I wouldn't, simply bc I don't want to give my kids artificial sweetener). My kids only drink milk and water, occasionally juice and a rare sip of soda.

    Honestly (and not to attack your parenting at all because I have been there!)...if you don't want them to have the soft drinks, slowly cut them out. If your kids protest...too bad. If they really are thirsty they will drink eventually, and it will be whatever is available (water!).
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    My kids drink milk, water and watered down juice.
  • ScottyLikesCake
    ScottyLikesCake Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks guys, my son will happily drink milk but my daughter won't touch the stuff. I'm really trying to push water but we are in temporary accomodation at the moment (thankfully our house will be ready in a couple of weeks) and the tap water is pretty foul.

    I've just been out and bought some small bottles of mineral water to keep in the fridge and hopefully I can encourage them to drink these.

    The adding fruit to water thing was something I always said I wouldn't do but with all the other "kids foods" to use caution over a little squash didn't seem like a problem - until it wasn't available any more.
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    You know I was a pretty picky eater growing up, and I am sure if there had been alternative drinks available in the house I would have been a picky drinker too, but my parents simply didn't make any other drinks available to us, except fresh brewed ice tea on occasion. To wean your daughter into it yo could try putting some orange slices in a pitcher of water to keep in the fridge, or some other fruit they like. It won't have a super lot of flavor or calories, but it may be enough to get your children used to the idea of drinking water. Lime is also nice in a pitcher of water :)