Angry, Depressed, and wanting to QUIT!



  • hllamaster
    hllamaster Posts: 137 Member
    Oh my god you are a very pretty girl...keep up the hard work will come I promise...I was like you ....I started hitting weights more and sure mad e a difference....stay the course
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Don't give up!!! You'll be even WAY more angry and depressed once you put all that weight back on! It takes a looooong time to lose weight, and the more weight you have to start with, the more you have to lose to make it really noticeable. Losing weight isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. This is a lifelong journey of eating right, and exercise. Just keep at it, and after a while, you'll have the results you want.

    People here sometimes post the analogy of losing weight like being a roll of paper towel. If you're a roll of paper towel, and you remove a single sheet, would you notice? How many sheets would you need to remove before everyone around you would see that the roll is now visibly smaller? Once you get really close to your goal weight, and you only have 10 sheets left, if you remove several, it'll be obvious.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I'm 5'4", started at 215, and now weigh 121. It took me 18 months to lose 90 pounds, which was my original goal. I lost a bit more after that but it's a FOREVER balancing act. There were times when I got frustrated because I wanted to lose faster or thought it wasn't making enough of a difference too. It takes time. I was obese for years - can't expect to reverse it that quickly. But if you keep going it WILL happen. And one day you will find it's been worth every skipped treat and drop of sweat when you feel and look better and everyone is amazed at what you've achieved. Keep going!
  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    I'm in the same boat...I don't see a difference but everyone else does and then some people never even mention it...Just stick to it you will be glad you did...AND TWENTY pounds is AWESOME so pick your head up and cheers to the next twenty :)
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    That first 20 lbs can be elusive... some if it is just water weight in the beginning. Also, those two pictures - if I were you, I'd take all of your "after" pics in a white shirt and blue jeans - maybe even the same ones, just to keep the standard there. That white shirt looks to be a very flattering cut, which could possibly take 10 lbs off of anyone, which then makes you appear to only have lose 10 lbs - hope that makes sense?
  • ccaym
    ccaym Posts: 86
    I've felt the same way before....I bet most of us have. 20 lbs. is a huge that I have yet to achieve! You seem to carry your weight very well and are nicely proportioned. Maybe that is why you do not see a big difference in your appearance. You will, so hang in there : )
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I see it, you're looking good. What I suggest, if you're looking for it in pictures, wear the exact same thing for your progress pictures so that you can see how differently the same outfit fits instead of different outfits. Every piece of clothing is cut differently making it impossible to gauge without that reference. Keep powering on girl! 20 pounds is beyond awesome!
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    Other people can see it though! Overall, you do look slimmer, legs, arms, face, torso, you look like you've slimmed some all the way around! Keep it up and don't get too discouraged! You're already started, give it a bit longer! =)

    I can see it as well. You are worth the effort to keep going. No matter your goal, you deserve to be healthy. Of course there will be days when you want to chuck it all and say forget it!! But look at how far you've already come....too late to turn back now.

    Send me a friend request if you'd like I'll support you every step of the way.
  • IyonnaF
    IyonnaF Posts: 101
    I feel the same way sometimes.. but dont give up! Do u think when you get down to 135 pounds that u will look the same? I just think of the weight i lost as hidden fat.. or fat around my organs.. dangerous stuff.. And im glad i got rid of that crap! Prevail.. Sooner or later, u will begin to see it.

    I am also going to start measuring myself.
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    OK, a little tough love here.......
    You want to quit because you don't see the results of losing 20 lbs??????? Well that makes sense!
    You are still very over weight. I guarantee if you lose more you will see it but it's not only about seeing the results. You are creating a healthier you, living longer for your kids, keeping the cost of heath care down......
    There is no reason to stop getting healthier.
  • Yankee028
    so depressing isn't it. I think I know how you feel.

    When I feel that way, I try to fight back by thinking about the opposite. Imagine if you had gained 20 lbs instead of lost it. But you lost it. Congratulations.

    And if you lost that 20 you can lose 20 more if you want to... so sometimes its about putting one foot in front of the other even when you don't feel like it, and have faith the maths will work. The other thing I tell myself is that regardless of how I felt yesterday at the end of the day, I can make myself feel better today by exercising and eating less junk. That sometimes works.
    Good luck!
  • theresnoeggs
    theresnoeggs Posts: 188 Member
    girl, I know the feeling! I've lost 23 and look EXACTLY the same, I keep telling myself that in 10 more lbs I'll see something. :/
  • Gretchen22276
    My beautiful friend dont be discouraged! I can see you face is thinner and your waist looks more defined. Your jeans are actually loose by your upper thigh! I can tell. You have a pic taken with the same t shirt and pants in the same doorway every month on the same day and garuntee you will see a difference! Love you!

    And just another thought: I have lost 20 lbs and I'm still wearing the same clothes and in fact because I started out so obese that know one will even notice my weight loss until I hit around 50 lbs lost. Now 20 lbs on my 160 lb mother would be drastic! But on me... Unoticeable. However, that is ok! The point is it is coming off! For both of us!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Thank you everyone! After a good cry, some new pants, and an awesome workout at Zumba; I am going to push through. I know that I may have souneded like a baby and whiny to some of you and I am sorry for is just hard sometimes. Plus as my lovely husband reminded me--this is usually the point in the past when I did quit. So if I am changing my lifestyle--then I need to change that part too!!!

    So I decided...My goal weight is 135. So that gives me 52 pounds to lose. After that....I QUIT! But only cause I will be maintaining from them on out! :laugh: Love you all and keep up the good work---you all inspire me!!!
  • mrshen7
    mrshen7 Posts: 2
    Keep in the positive! Don't give up on your goal! Focus on the weight you've already lost, start there! You'll do great!!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Grab a twenty pound weight and lugg it around for a day. That is how much you lost. Your 5'2". Us shorties have it harder when it comes to seeing results. Just stick with it and you will see results soon!
  • Phatmendo
    Having a lighter body better is just better for so many reasons. Keep it up. Try to keep your eye on the overall prize, which is health, happiness, and longevity for you and your family. Use this as a tool to teach good habits to the people around you and your efforts will have not been in vain.

    BUT I do see a difference.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I haven't read the other responses. (I am going to give some tough love because I really want to help. Please take this constructively)

    You asked, "what's the point?" I want to address that statement. The "POINT" is your health. I see you picture and it looks like you have kids. The "POINT" is you are an example to them. Would you want them to quit living better if their health and well being is was at stake? I didn't see a real difference in myself until I lost about 30 or so pounds. "Real difference" meaning my clothes started to not fit. The reason most diets fail is because diets don't work. You should change your life. There should be nothing to "go back" to. Think about what advice you would give your kids if they were in your exact situation and follow that advice. It's hard at first, but it's possible. Please stick with it! Good luck!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I am the same height and almost the same starting weight...but much like you I bet people are shocked to find out your number. I can see it in your face quite a bit, It will happen really it will. Treat yourself, maybe buy an outfit that is cut just right, like a nice summer dress that can hang around for a bit. Then get your hair done or a mani...treat yourself. The point is to be healthier, and you are!
  • guidnca
    guidnca Posts: 64
    It took me two weeks for the scales to move 2 pounds. I was getting extremely discouraged.
    We have three things we need to look at.
    1.) the scales-they don't lie
    2.) how we feel-when everything else ain't working...sometimes I got to feel my way through it. Do you feel better now? do you have more energy and most days do you feel more confident?
    3.) how we look-this is the last thing, because we are awful judges. My cousin showed me a picture of me in High School I was down to 165. I was skinny. I was in football and cycling, I was my head I was pudgy. The look we have for ourselves is very deceptive. Sometimes, we need to take a look but it is not the only thing.