Starting Atkins. Need Support!

so I am about to start on Atkins this Monday May 2nd. This is all new to me but I would love the help and support from those who have done it, are currently on it, or are thinking about doing it. Just befriend me. I would love your advice.


  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I did Atkins for 2 months in college as part of a documentary-style assignment for a writing class. I followed the plan and recorded it every day. It. Was. Hell. You have NO energy, your "systems" are completely blocked up, your hair will start to look like hell. That beings aid, you will lose weight. I lost 23 pounds in two months. However, within 3 weeks of going off it I gained 30.

    I'm currently doing a 40/40/20 ratio of protein/carbs/fat and have had great success. I still have enough energy to work out and have been losing steadily. Everything is moving along nicely and my hair and nails aren't looking like crap. Neither is my skin. Just some food for thought.
  • trejon
    trejon Posts: 203
    Look at the South Beach or the 17 Day Diet before you try Atkins. I have done all three but my best results came from SB and 17 Day. I am on 17 Day now. It is still low carb and quick weight loss but not just meat, eggs and cheese. Need more balance than what Atkins has to offer. However you are an adult and allowed to make your own choices. Just speaking from experience.

    Good Luck
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    I'm doing Atkins, but not 100% cause I'm not doing stages, I'm staying in Induction for weeks until I get closer to my goal and then I'll introduce more vegetables and fruits. I read the 1972 book cover to cover...much better than the "new" version out these days. I recommend it. I have no desire to reintroduce starches anytime soon and definitely not on a routine basis.. I'm currently ending my first month. I guess I'm doing more of a genaralized "keto diet". I'm staying in ketosis by eating close to 20 g carbs per day.

    They key with it is, you can't just lose your weight and then go back to eating whatever you want cause you look great and feel great...this has to be a life long change.

    Apparently everyone reacts differently because I have SO much more energy, I have much better moods, people have said I have a "glowing" face lol and I'm never hungrycause you eat satisfying foods that keep you full beyond the next meal time.

    This change was the best thing I've EVER done...and my sister's doing it too and has reported the same exact effects.

    I sent you a friend request. :)
  • FrancesGallagher
    FrancesGallagher Posts: 88 Member
    Atkins is not the way to go for most people. The way to go is a balanced, healthy eating plan. Your body needs the kind of nutrition you will never get on the Atkins. Do a food diary with the help of and learn about the calories in the foods your biological body needs to thrive. Try very hard not to rush things but learn things that will keep you on the right track. Have your three meals a day and a snack to. Fruit is great, a medium size orange is 50 calories, an apple is probably a bit more, 1/2 a medium banana is about 60. There is so much you can do if you do some planning for your meals and you will not be eating the way some diet outlines for you. Good luck with your own plan. FG
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I do not recommend the atkin's diet. I do recommend eating sensibly and having a balanced diet. You can watch your carbs, but your body NEEDS carbs.

    And any diet that says I cannot have an apple, but I can have a plate of bacon is just wrong, imo :laugh:

    Yes, you will lose a crapload of weight, but...once you start eating normal again, you will gain it back, plus some. I have seen soooo many of my friends do this and they just don't understand why. It's not difficult to figure out.
  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    I've had many mixed reviews about it but I'm committed to staying on the diet. I understand that if you go from no carbs to at the 'normal' amount, you will gain all of the weight back.
  • nurseaim
    nurseaim Posts: 146
    Instead of Atkins, it'd be healthier to do South Beach Diet. The Atkins diet killed my gallbladder and caused me to produce gallstones. Later my whole gallbladder had to be removed. The MD that performed the surgery said that this is a natual side-effect to the Atkins Diet. I'd really think long and hard before trying it. Although, everyone's body handles foods differently.

    If you lose better with higher protein diets than I'd suggest South Beach Diet or ISAgenix. I'm currently on ISAgenix and have lost 10 in the past month and it's really the best I felt while on a "diet". I have tons of energy, I"m sleeping better, and feel more motivated to workout. Let me know, if you'd like some info on it. :flowerforyou:
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Another vote for the 40/20/20 ratio. Atkins in particular is not great due to muscle loss.

    South Beach isn't nearly as bad. Atkins will give you headaches, make you cranky and make your breath smell.

    You brain can only function on carbs. The amount you get on Atkins is barely enough for brain function, let alone any energy for anything else.

    If you want to try low-carb, try South Beach. What's your fear of carbs anyway?

    I highly recommend the current book I'm reading called the Body Fat Solution by Tom Venuto. He also wrote burn the fat, feed the muscle. He explains how to eat regular food (at higher than 1200 a day calories) and exercise sensibly. It's an excellent resource.

    Low/No Carb will lose water weight first, then fat/muscle. Problem is, it doesn't discriminate. When the weight is off, you'll gain it back easily as you will have lost the muscle that burns calories. You can actually decrease your metabolism.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    I don't think she needed advice on whether or not to DO atkins...she wanted support from those who are on it. So if you don't do/like atkins...fine.

    Your body does not NEED carbs. There are no essential carbohydrates. No body needs to eat bread, rice...etc. Yeah fruits are a great dessert nature has provided, but people treat these as "all you can eat" and that's just not right. Fruit is sugar and your body treats it the same as any other kind.

    People do not need grains.... There's a whole heap of info about this that is just wrong information.

    Again OP I'm here for support if you have any questions.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    I've had many mixed reviews about it but I'm committed to staying on the diet. I understand that if you go from no carbs to at the 'normal' amount, you will gain all of the weight back.

    That's why people say Atkins is awful. The diet works....the people fail. You can't go back to eating all those carbohydrates.

    Here, do this....skip the label, just keep your carbs down and fat/protein up and drink lots of water'll do fine!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Actually, you do need carbs.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    Another vote for the 40/20/20 ratio. Atkins in particular is not great due to muscle loss.

    South Beach isn't nearly as bad. Atkins will give you headaches, make you cranky and make your breath smell.

    You brain can only function on carbs. The amount you get on Atkins is barely enough for brain function, let alone any energy for anything else.

    Your brain needs fat...
  • pittielover23
    Another person who did Atkins and felt like crap here. I have never ever felt worse on a diet. Carbs=fuel. No carbs=no fuel. Cut out processed unhealthy carbs and replace with healthy carbs (fruit, whole grains). Atkins is simply not a sustainable diet for most people. I would never reccomend it.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    I do not recommend the atkin's diet. I do recommend eating sensibly and having a balanced diet. You can watch your carbs, but your body NEEDS carbs.

    And any diet that says I cannot have an apple, but I can have a plate of bacon is just wrong, imo :laugh:

    Yes, you will lose a crapload of weight, but...once you start eating normal again, you will gain it back, plus some. I have seen soooo many of my friends do this and they just don't understand why. It's not difficult to figure out.

    Another are not supposed to eat a "plate of bacon"...cured meats are to be eating sparingly...and you can have an apple, just not in the induction period.

  • nurseaim
    nurseaim Posts: 146
    I don't think she needed advice on whether or not to DO atkins...she wanted support from those who are on it. So if you don't do/like atkins...fine.

    Your body does not NEED carbs. There are no essential carbohydrates. No body needs to eat bread, rice...etc. Yeah fruits are a great dessert nature has provided, but people treat these as "all you can eat" and that's just not right. Fruit is sugar and your body treats it the same as any other kind.

    People do not need grains.... There's a whole heap of info about this that is just wrong information.

    Again OP I'm here for support if you have any questions.

    In my case, I'm only sharing my experience with the diet. I certainly wouldn't want to offend anyone. I wish someone had told me their personal experience with it, before I had to go through surgery. As a Nurse, I have to say that your body does need carbs...healthy ones...such as food high in fiber.

    Thanks, Take care!
  • pittielover23
    I don't think she needed advice on whether or not to DO atkins...she wanted support from those who are on it. So if you don't do/like atkins...fine.

    Your body does not NEED carbs. There are no essential carbohydrates. No body needs to eat bread, rice...etc. Yeah fruits are a great dessert nature has provided, but people treat these as "all you can eat" and that's just not right. Fruit is sugar and your body treats it the same as any other kind.

    People do not need grains.... There's a whole heap of info about this that is just wrong information.

    Again OP I'm here for support if you have any questions.
    Please tell me where you get this information, because ever single thing I have read about diet and nutrition states that carbs are essential. No one needs to eat a loaf of bread a day, but healthy carbs are a very important part of a diet.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I don't think she needed advice on whether or not to DO atkins...she wanted support from those who are on it. So if you don't do/like atkins...fine.

    Your body does not NEED carbs. There are no essential carbohydrates. No body needs to eat bread, rice...etc. Yeah fruits are a great dessert nature has provided, but people treat these as "all you can eat" and that's just not right. Fruit is sugar and your body treats it the same as any other kind.

    People do not need grains.... There's a whole heap of info about this that is just wrong information.

    Again OP I'm here for support if you have any questions.

    Seriously. What is with the self-righteousness on here? She asked for support if you're doing it or are thinking about starting it. She didn't ask for advice on whether to do it or not. Which means, what? If you're not an Atkins supporter, don't reply to the thread. Simple.

    Geez, some people on here are full of themselves.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    I don't think she needed advice on whether or not to DO atkins...she wanted support from those who are on it. So if you don't do/like atkins...fine.

    Your body does not NEED carbs. There are no essential carbohydrates. No body needs to eat bread, rice...etc. Yeah fruits are a great dessert nature has provided, but people treat these as "all you can eat" and that's just not right. Fruit is sugar and your body treats it the same as any other kind.

    People do not need grains.... There's a whole heap of info about this that is just wrong information.

    Again OP I'm here for support if you have any questions.

    Seriously. What is with the self-righteousness on here? She asked for support if you're doing it or are thinking about starting it. She didn't ask for advice on whether to do it or not. Which means, what? If you're not an Atkins supporter, don't reply to the thread. Simple.

    Geez, some people on here are full of themselves.

  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    I've done my research and heard both sides. I am making sure to take precaution on it and I'll be the first to grab a slice of bread if I feel like I need it. Thanks for the concern. I do appreciate the help.
  • pittielover23
    Um, it has nothing to do with being full of myself, but with sharing experience on the diet. I like to share how crappy I felt so that maybe someone will rethink doing it and save themselves that feeling. She can still do it, and if she does, I wish her nothing but luck and hpe she feels great!

    When you post on a message board, especially about a diet that can be controversial, you are going to get a variety of responses. Nothing wrong with that. It is not like we are berating her or something! Geez.