Booze 'n Exercise

I get on my bike at least 3-5 times a week, do yoga 1-2 times a week, plus walking the dog daily.

How does alcohol affect muscle health and body health besides just gaining weight & possible long-term liver issues? I like to have a beer now and then but think it if is going to hurt my training (for a century) then I am more likely to cut it out.

Also, does it matter when you drink alcohol (ie. x minutes after a session)? I know that the body is very receptive to nutrients within the first 30 minutes after cycling, but after that?


  • sociable15
    Not an expert, don't get me wrong, but it's a moderation thing. In moderation, even alcohol is not terrible for you. If nothing else, mental health wise it's better to not worry when it's in moderation and let yourself enjoy the little things in life. So long as you're not overdoing it every single night or you don't have a pre-existing liver issue (hepititis, chirrosis, etc.) or an addictions history I don't see what the problem would be.
  • IslasLorax
    I understand that moderation is okay - but I'm really looking to find out what affect any alcohol may have on muscles.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Some say that it can reduce test levels and it can cause your body to product estrogen.
    I read an article somewhere that said as long as you aren't doing it often, it won't have much effect in the long run.
    I wanna say it was a t-nation article or one from

    Dehydration is a huge factor.
    With me, alcohol overindulgence hurts me because my diet is off the next day, and my training suffers.

    If you can still function the next day and eat right, drink up. Moderation is key.