
Is anyone here taking the diabetes medicine Byetta? I started it about a month and a half ago and have been pretty happy so far, however I am not having the weight loss that the medicine claims to help with. Just wondered if anyone else was on this med and had any insight for me. :smile:


  • Calidaho
    Calidaho Posts: 110 Member
    I take it. I started using it three years ago and had dramatic weight loss. I was journaling and eating about 1500-1600 calories a day. The Byetta helped me not feel so ravenously hungry.

    I went off of it for a while, had a major health issue, gained back almost all the weight I lost and went back on it. The medication I was taking for my illness caused major hunger so even the Byetta couldn't help. I went off that med but still didn't lose. It wasn't until I started journaling again that the pounds started coming off.

    When I lost weight before, my mother in law chalked it up to taking a drug that made it easy (we are kind of competitive). She started using it and didn't have a lot of success. I really think that Byetta can help with physical hunger but the calories still have to equal less than what you are burning.

    Maybe see if Wellbutrin will help. I take that and it really helps me not want to eat an entire bag of cookies. I still have to make conscious decisions to eat foods that will keep me fuller longer (protein every 3 or so hours) but it is easier with these helps.

    Good luck!!
  • egoheen
    egoheen Posts: 24 Member
    I was put on Metformin a few years ago. I am a teacher so I waited until Christmas break to take it. Big mistake! I could NOT tolerate it at all. I stopped it after the first dose. She tried me on Byetta. The first day I took it an hour before breakfast. I learned what it was like to have morning sickness. It hurt to even move. I started taking it at lunch and dinner. This was much better. Then I started taking 15 minutes before I eat. This is the best for me. I lost some weight on it, but I had been exercising a lot so I couldn't tell which was the reason. I went off of it and I'm back again. I'm still sick on it and sometimes when I take it, I have to take a nap just so that the nausea isn't too overpowering. Once you get on it, it's been a blessing.