
emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
I'm kind of at a loss for what to do. I only eat the amount of calories I am allowed most of the time. I have a very busy schedule so I am not always able to get to the gym. The days I do go to the gym though I am physically tired before I even start and am exhausted by the time I am done. I usually do a weight lifting or an aerobics class, both are an hour long. I made my diary public so that if anyone thought it was the food I was eating or the amount of food I was eating they could make suggestions.
Prime example:
Last night after I got done at the gym I fixed dinner and was so tired that I didn't even get all of my calories in because I didn't have the energy. Factor in that I had to leave my house because of a tornado warning and was gone for most of the prime snacking time could have something to do with it.
Another example:
Every thursday I have a horseback riding lesson for around an hour sometimes a little more(it just depends on how good Mo and I are working together). When I get home and sit down, I am lucky if I get back up and fix dinner, Usually I am so wiped out I don't want to move and therefore do not. If anyone has some food choices that may be better at helping my muscles recover or to help give me more energy and not be exhausted that would be wonderful.
I promise I'm not just lazy. It's almost similar to when you are sick and feel like you just don't have energy to do anything. This has to stop because I am a busy student that needs to be able to function as the night goes on as well as eat healthy, exercise, and lose weight.
Thanks for all your help


  • basschick38
    I hear your frustration! I would make a protein shake and keep it on hand to slurp on right before you have to do a grueling ride, or exercise routine. It might give you enough energy to keep you from being anaerobic. I keep a protein concoction in my fridge made up of those Walmart powders and some frozen fruit. Sometimes I do one with milk and a banana and I add oatmeal for extra texture. Then I sip a little in between meals and before I work out. Of course, I'm one to talk, I've only lost 5 lbs. so I know it can be discouraging! Hang in there. :-0)