Here goes nothing.

New here, also doing weight watchers, I find that they keep me accountable as I weigh in once a week. On this site I keep track of my nutrition and it calculates in my workouts which is very helpful.

So here is it.

I injured myself, stress fracture in tibia, in September 2010. Gained 18lbs because I was not allowed to do ANYTHING. No weightbearing activities. I resorted to going to the gym and using their pool, which worked out to only twice a week because of my work schedule and if I showed up too late, the pool was full.

Started WW in February when doctor cleared me to work out. I've lost about 13lbs since then. I had to slowly add back in work outs because of my injury.

Found this site a week ago.

Currently I:
Ride a road bike, 5 hours on Saturday, 2.5 hours Sunday.
Run, 45 minutes twice a week
Walk, 45 minutes twice a week
Strenght training once a week about 20 minutes
Yoga once or twice a month
Try to sleep in once a week.
Work full time
Have an 8 year old, 20 year old and 27 year old(oldest lives away from home).
Hubby works full time too, has a long commute.
Hubby does a lot around the house as do the kids.

I do not drink soda, high calorie coffees, eat candies, cookies, other sweets. Don't eat white pasta, fast food, or processed food. Most meals are home made by me. I normally do not cook rice or pasta. If we have pasta, I eat the sauce/meat/vegies but not pasta. I love spaghetti squash and eggplant. Fresh fruit is my 'snack' or 'treat'. I've actually eaten this way for the last 10 years. Just cutting out the soda made a big difference in how I felt and slept. While I didn't loose weight in pounds I lost the flabby part of me.

However I will eat bad foods if they are near me. I try to sheild my eyes when I see fattening and tempting foods. When we go out I order lunch size and dressing on the side. I sneak a french fries from the kids sometimes. The guilt of it all makes my want to go to confession, just one french fry.

I give you all this because I'm in a rut, I haven't lost any weight in 3 weeks, am I buildng muscle? I"m 49, so it could be my hormones playing tricks on my too. Don't know. Trying to be good, wanting to be bad. I'm working out and not buding alas a snickers bar is calling me somewhere..............


  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    A better question to ask yourself is Are you feeling better? try not to sweat the scale. Looks like you are doing all the right things to me..
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    According to Oxygen magazine (which I love), nutrition is 80% of it, so that cheating may be adding up. But, you also may not be eating enough calories for the amount of exercise you're putting in. When that happens, your body goes into starvation mode and wants to hang onto those pounds. I'm not an expert, by any means, but I do read Oxygen magazine religiously. It has great nutritional tips, recipes and workouts you can do at home and at the gym.

    TDGee is right. How are your clothes fitting? Are you losing inches? Celebrate those little victories when the scale won't budge.