

  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    It's all about awareness. Now you know how many calories are in a small bag of chips so if you really want them you can just fit them into your day. You can always exercise to burn it off.
  • KatyLynn01
    Don't count it as a fail.. just a learning experience! I gave in to the urge for Snickers Easter Eggs today so my dog gets the benefits of a longer walk after dinner! Just balance your food choices out with some extra cardio and you will be fine!
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Failure = NOT TRYING. You certainly haven't failed. Put it behind you and move on. Later on, get some other choices that are healthier (maybe baked chips instead of typical) to have on hand for when you just have to have something like that.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First off, I'd like to share a bit of advice... Would you say something like that about a friend, especially to their face? Not too likely! Then why treat yourself that way?! Relax, stop being so hard on yourself and, like the above poster said, track it and move on. So you went over a couple hundred calories?! In the grand scheme of things, that's not a big deal and not evern something that'll make you gain weight (unless you do it several times every day...).
    And if you're really that concerned about it, go for a walk and burn the calories off...

    Now, on to your question... Here is the secret to my sucess this time around - NO DEPRIVATION! Guess what I had with lunch today? That's right, a bag of chips that was about 200 calories. But what else did I do? I had a light breakfast and lunch and some healthy snacks and I got to the gym to burn some calories so that I could have them without going over. I also eat pizza every week - and no homemade light stuff either - good old Dominos regular crust and I have wings too! I've lost 55 pounds this way. And trust me, if I tried avoiding things like chips and pizza for the last year plus, I might have lost at first but there's no way it would've stayed off because I would've given in and eventually quit. I know because I've tried that method before and it simply does not work.

    Not that I've rambled it is in a nutshell

    Don't think of it as a diet to lose weight, think of it as a permanent change. You will be eating chips again at some point. Just find a way to fit them in to your day!
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    You did NOT fail! I treat myself almost once a day. Today I had some chocolate & it's included in my calorie count. It's fine as long as you do it in moderation & eat healthy otherwise
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    You might want to try considering that no foods (or most foods anyway!) aren't completely off limits. You just learn to eat treats in moderation.
  • gwen933
    gwen933 Posts: 81
    That is not a fail by any means. Tomorrow is another day. Everyday will be a struggle but you can beat it. Be strong and go for a walk, read a book, something that keeps your mind off of snacking. But don't ever think that you have failed because you ate something wrong. It is just a small hurdle to overcome.
  • MintyStarshine
    It takes a lot to go from eating things like potato chips and other junk/comfort food to eating healthy.

    I had to spread everything out in weekly goals and set up a system of rewards to finally work everything out with my tastebuds, my impulses, and my body.

    If you'd like to take a look at what I set up as weekly goals and rewards, go here:

    I've actually found that settling in to any of the healthy activities has actually allowed me to get ahead of my set goal schedule! But it took some time. I first registered on the website back in November and I've had a couple of times where I would get discouraged because I was trying to instantly convert to a healthy lifestyle and couldn't do it. Now that I've set easy goals that aren't about losing a certain amount by a certain time but by healthy activities that WILL allow me to lose weight, I feel happier about it all and I've kept up for four days straight instead of dropping in for a couple of days, getting hungry, and leaving again because I'm embarrassed that I'm not doing well.
  • busa08
    busa08 Posts: 2
    You did not fail, count them and keep moving. We all have to cheat here and there just know when you do and get back on track. You can do this, I know you can
  • gtm124
    gtm124 Posts: 179
    As the above posts have said you have not failed. But don't make the mistake of NOT eating the next day. You need your allotted calories. Just post it and move on to day 2. You can do it.
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    I did so well all day! And when I got home I ate a tiny bag of chips with 210 calories in it!
    Omg! How are you guys so strong?

    HAHAHA! you SO did not fail! When I go over my kcals its by like 800 with a rack of ribs or something :laugh:
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    That's the awesome thing about this site. You CAN eat whatever you want - as long as you log it and make it fit into your daily routine. If you want some chips with a sandwich, then have them. Just make sure to count it. Are there better choices? Sure, but this is real life - which is not "all or nothing." The saying "everything in moderation" is very, very true.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Its all about trial and error. Soon you will know what you can and can not eat.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    You just need to break the habit...once you get into the habit of eating healthy, you will grab a piece of fruit or string cheese instead; you won't even think about the chips. Don't be you said, it's only day one =)
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I did so well all day! And when I got home I ate a tiny bag of chips with 210 calories in it!
    Omg! How are you guys so strong?

    You have so NOT failed. Don't start this journey being so hard on yourself. Not being able to forgive yourself is like not being able to forgive someone who has done you wrong...You will hang on to it and it will beat you up inside and you won't be able to move on. This is a Life Long path to being and living healthy, DO, Learn, Grow, Correct, Stay Positive! The WORDS that come out of your mouth are as/more important as the food you put in your mouth.
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    We all have those days every once in awhile. Just remember that tomorrow is a new and better day! :)
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
    First off -- let me say welcome to MFP. It is an awesome site with awesome people who encourage you along the way. I had two double stuffed oreos today. I logged them and I still have over 600 calories left for the day. Even if you're going to go over your calorie limit for the day, still log it and close it out at the end of the day. It's best to try to avoid stuff like oreos and chips and eat more healthy foods, but guess what, it's going to happen. You will learn what you are willing to sacrifice for and what you are not willing to sacrifice for. Hang in there. You did a wonderful thing by joining this site and making a decision to become more healthy. I wish you luck in your journey. If you want, you can add me as a friend.

  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    You haven't failed, you were successful ALL DAY!! 1 bag of chips does not make failure. I used to take the all or nothing approach and all it did was make me focus on what I wanted and couldn't eat ALL day and by the end of the day I was shoveling it all in because I felt deprived. Try making small changes at first like healthy swaps, ie. whole grain wheat for white, greek yogurt for sour cream. Or maybe you can make a goal to add one healthy food item to your diet a day and swap it for something you'd usually have. That way each swap will feel like more of a success! Add a little exercise every other day, eventually your crave it every day. Friend me if you like, we can motivate each other!! :bigsmile:
  • silvafan
    silvafan Posts: 147
    If you feel bad about it, you can always go for a run or hit the gym or turn the radio on and dance in your living room & burn those calories!!!
  • littlewitchuk
    littlewitchuk Posts: 17 Member
    I did so well all day! And when I got home I ate a tiny bag of chips with 210 calories in it!
    Omg! How are you guys so strong?
    I don't seem to be able to cut my sugar down, 50grams over today. So I feel your pain :(