Best Results that I can

Hi guys

Im new to this site

From tomorrow I have 8 weeks until my hols - I see a PT twice a week and do mainly weights work

I walk lots but know I need to push myslef.

I have approx 1 stone / 1 dress size to lose

Can anyone tell me whats the best mix of excercise /training to do - shall I go for 4 or 5 or more sessions a week and all strength?

Should I be taking any supplements?

thakns x


  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    what does your PT recommend? I only ask that as that person obviously knows your body well and has a good idea of your abilities and what you can handle?

    If you are losing weight, you need to add more cardio. Strength training will tone you up and build muscle which will help in weight loss, but ultimately it's cardio.

    What do you normally do with your PT?
  • smiler1978
    Hello again!

    My pt reccomends 4 sessions a week (two with him and two on my own)

    Im not losing and need to be - I have a good stone of padding!!! He seems to think that Im used to the 6 miles that I walk a day with my doggies.

    I was thinking two cardio classes + two PT sessions for my strength traning? xxx
  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    I recently went to a nutritionist and she has me taking a bunch of supplements. She has me taking:

    AM-Mulit-vitamin, B complex, and mixed strand probiotic

    PM-Fish oil, 5000IU Vitamin D, B6, and Magnesium

    She recommended that I do strength training twice a week and at least 3 cardio in addition to that. I have lose around 75 lbs, so my plan is rigorous, but has been effective so far.

    If your insurance will cover a nutritionist, I would recommend going to see one!