Anyone use Xenical?

leamatthew Posts: 162
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
They have been sitting in my drawer for a while now and last time i was at doc he advised me to try them again.......last time wasent nice, talk about orange oil coming from my backside everytime i passed wind was a understatment!! but i no now that i was eating too much fat!

So here i am again going to give them a try with the diet i am on, i'm rarely eating over 20g of fat a day but will be watching extra carefully for the fat intake so i dont have an "accident" so im hoping i will see better results this time along.

On here my daily calorie allowance is 2550 but id say on avarage im consuming 1400-1600 per day so ive set my fat intake to 30% of that.

Anyone else on or thinking of taking xenical?


  • chovest81
    chovest81 Posts: 99
    I have not taken Xenical but i have taken Alli which is the same thing but at half the strength. I didn't have any problems as long as i was careful about my food content and fat intake. The undesired side effect is a good reason to stick to the plan...even more incentive. I recommend that if you still have a bad experience with Xenical with the altared diet plan to try Alli. It is the same concept but not as strong so not as many side effects. I want to add that i have worked at a doctors office for 10 years so i have some knowledge of weightloss meds even if i have not personally been prescribed them.
  • leamatthew
    leamatthew Posts: 162
    I have not taken Xenical but i have taken Alli which is the same thing but at half the strength. I didn't have any problems as long as i was careful about my food content and fat intake. The undesired side effect is a good reason to stick to the plan...even more incentive. I recommend that if you still have a bad experience with Xenical with the altared diet plan to try Alli. It is the same concept but not as strong so not as many side effects. I want to add that i have worked at a doctors office for 10 years so i have some knowledge of weightloss meds even if i have not personally been prescribed them.

    yeh ive been prescribed the bad boys 120mg, am a tad nervous about using them but hey if it can boost my weightloss im all for trying again!
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Doesn't Xenical stop fat absorption? What happens if your diet is too high in calories but from not from fat?
  • leamatthew
    leamatthew Posts: 162
    Doesn't Xenical stop fat absorption? What happens if your diet is too high in calories but from not from fat?

    it does stop fat absorption yeh, it would be pretty pointless if your using them as a slimming help aid and still eating too many calories tho, kinda defeats the purpose :D
  • MrsTits
    MrsTits Posts: 44 Member
    The rule with Xencial is you should eat nothing with more than 5g of fat per 100g in it or 15g per meal. If you stick with that rule you shouldn't have ANY accidents or orange stuff...BUT if you stick with that rule it would leave Xencial redundant because you would be eating so little fat that you wouldn't need the tablets to begin with. I started taking them when I started Slimming World but they did nothing because I was eating a very low fat diet, so I only took them for a couple of weeks....the doc took me off them because he said my diet was low fat enough and the tablets wouldn't do anything.

    If you don't put the fat into your body, the tablets have nothing to work with so they wouldn't be stopping the absorption of anything because there wouldn't be enough there to begin with.
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