I'm not seeing a difference after 11 lbs off :(

2011EP Posts: 95 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all,

I'm 5' 2'' and used to weigh about 125 lbs then ballooned up to 161.5 which is about a 35 lb gain (28% weight increase). I have lost 11 lbs which is close to 1/3 of the weight i put on. I'm not really seeing a difference though and it's harder for me to stay motivated and will myself to eat right and excercise because I'm not seeing much of a difference. I have a friend who is really hard on me and he says he can't tell at all.

Did this happen to you guys? When did you start seeing the difference? How do you stay motivated?


  • claire_b79
    claire_b79 Posts: 101 Member
    Take pics of yourself every few weeks. I am sure you will see a difference! It was happening to me after an 8 pound loss (I only have about 10 to lose) and then I looked at my pics and saw a very noticeable change. Don't give up, you are doing great!
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    Have you taken pictures and compared? It's hard if you're just going by memory! Or maybe you aren't building up muscle to see the definition you'd like.
    Either way, 11 pounds is good and you're going in the right direction(:
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    Great job on losing 11 lbs so far! :D I think I'll be wondering the same thing. I've lost 6lbs in under 2 weeks and I can't even see any differences. I know its not much weight to see a difference, but I'm wondering when my weight loss will it'll be apparent too. Have you been building up some muscle by chance?
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    Don't worry - scales don't lie. Typically most people notice weight losses after you've lost about 10% of your body weight, so you may be a few more pounds away - but don't be discouraged. Keep going!
  • she_elf
    she_elf Posts: 108
    Try taking measurements as well. I've only lost a few pounds so far, but have lost tons of inches off my waist. Also, try getting some more supportive friends. :/
  • 2011EP
    2011EP Posts: 95 Member
    I've always had some muscle (I did a lot of weight training before), but I guess I should maybe focus on that more. I just don't want to be too bulky, because right now my back and shoulders feel huge!
  • mpurkis
    mpurkis Posts: 10 Member
    I feel you. I'm the same height and have been the same weight (twice, ugh!) and I rarely see a huge difference in clothing size, etc. between 150-160 lbs. I usually have to hit about 145 before I finally can start wearing single-digit sizes on a regular basis. I think that sometimes our body types and our height tend to work against us. Unfortunately, for 5'2", 150-160 lbs just isn't going to feel good.

    Hang in there -- remember how great you felt at 125. Find some pictures and use those for motivation. You're almost across the hurdle and soon you will start to see a change!!

    I'm super happy for you losing the first 11 lbs too!
  • Yea, I weighed in on Wednesday and have lost nine pounds now but I can't see it. One of my friends however says she can so I'm going with her. I did reason though that nine pounds is a lot yes, but when you look at your whole body it's not really!
    My friend said it will take time to really see a difference like the change is happening from the inside out!
    So don't lose motivation because you will see it and do deffo take pictures to SEE the change happen right before your eyes! That is what I've started to do.
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Everyone is saying what i was going to say :) I hav lost 10 and I've noticed clothes fitting better, and some fitting that didn't fit before. But I still sometimes question the "difference" so I took pictures the same clothes and pose as I did back in January. And I DO see a difference :) if you didn't take pics don't sweat it but I Would def take some now (in clothes where you will be able to see the difference, like underwear or swimsuit) and then take pics in a couple of months.

    Def don't let it discourage you :) I know it's hard to stay on track but it will pay off in the long run!! You want long term results that will stick :)

    Good luck!!
  • I didnt see a difference until 20lbs, I rarely get people to notice after 25lbs. I started out at 187..
  • savannahgro
    savannahgro Posts: 113 Member
    i think, especially when trying to lose weight, I look at my body more. In doing so, I think we get used to the gradual changes as opposed to looking at an old photo and noticing the big picture. I have lost almost 17 pounds (5'3 here, around 130 now) and I know I have come a long way, but I am still VERY critical of my body. Some days I look at myself and still see the 150 pound me.

    Go look at some old pictures. Take one of yourself in the same clothes now and compare. I bet you'll notice it then...
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    I forgot to mention how I stay motivated! :) it has been tricky especially when I feel like the weight is coming off much slower than I would like. But I try to just keep going and not spend time dwelling on "to do it or not to do it" regardless of how fast it comes off I know it IS important to get the weight off and I feel better living a healthier lifestyle. I also feel like i have a great group of supportive friends on here. Build up your support network on here and it will help ALOT!
  • kandib38
    kandib38 Posts: 3
    I am about the same size ratio as you... and i have lost 7 in just over 2 weeks... I dont SEE a difference but I am slowly beginning to feel a difference... I am building muscle... I am feeling firmer.... and i have more energy.... also i have lost inches....take your measurments.. and not just the main 3.... measure your thighs....calves and upper arms.... as well as your neck.... you will begin to see a difference soon.... it didnt take a few weeks to put on the weight.... it will take time for your body to visually change.... and time for the weight to fall off... dont be so hard on your self... this is a lifestyle change.... and with that maybe your friendship should change if he is not being supportive.... just sayin......... 11 lbs is great ... keep it up..... :bigsmile:
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I was at 167 when I started losing this January. I could NOT notice a change AT ALL until I got down to 145. My waist was getting smaller, but I didn't LOOK any different. Ever since I hit 145, though (I'm 135 now) every pound lost is REALLY noticeable.
    I think about it in terms of an ocean vs a puddle. You don't notice when a cup of water is drained from the ocean... but that same cup of water from a puddle is pretty obvious.
    Keep with it, you WON'T be sorry! I'm not! I LOVE my body now at 135!
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