Chalean Extreme or P90X

So I have been on a long plateau partly due to food intake and partly due to stagnation in my exercise routine. I am a runner and am really not willing to give that up right now for different cardio, but I am interested in adding resistance training to the mix. I was thinking of doing P90X lean but instead of doing the cardio videos, just running instead. I'm really just interested in adding strength training and I don't want more cardio. I'm sure it would help but I'm planning on doing some half marathons in the near future and I need to be able to run. I recently heard about Chalean extreme as well and I am interested in what people have to say about it. I don't have a ton of time to work out, I'm in a accelerated doctorate of pharmacy program right now. I have been running, but adding the 30DS to my workout. I really enjoy it and love that it's only 20 min, but I don't know that I'm going to see results. I know the P90X workouts can be pretty long, how long are Chalean Extreme workouts? What have been your results with these programs?


  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    the only issue w/running a lot... per my trainer... is that you lose muscle mass so i agree w/you to add strength training. I know p90x but the program is strict. Insanity is awesome, but it's cardio which you don't want. I like Jillians No More Trouble Zones... it has a lot or weight movements & you'll feel the results. I workout at bootcamp which is cardio strength training & i've been doing that jillian tape for a year & it still makes me sore & kicks my butt. after doig the 3lb weights for a while, you can move up to 5lb weights.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I've tried both and I prefer P90x. I think it depends on your fitness. I thought Chalean was too easy for me so I sold it and went for the P90x.
  • ehilgeman
    ehilgeman Posts: 45
    Hey, there, I do a lot of strength training DVD's. I've never done the two you mention in particular but have a couple of other recommendations: 1) Biggest loser has a couple of really good sculpting DVD's that leave me sore after 30 min, 2) The Firm Body Sculpt has killer leg and arm workouts if you've got a step, 3) The Bar Method is a ridiculously good pilates-esque workout (it's good to do some of this in with your weights to help lengthen musles, will help with running too) and the best butt workout ever, 4) Weight Loss Pilates is a totally killer ab workout, mixed in with a little leg & minor cardio. It's an hour, but I find a half hour of it is more than plenty, and last but not least 5) Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones is just as advertised - some very effective workouts for areas I don't typically hit. A lot of these are 40 or 50 min, but if you warm up and cool down while doing other things, you can cut some time off.
  • GettingFit45
    GettingFit45 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm not a runner or anything but I'm doing Chalene Extreme so I thought I'd just post what I knew about it for ya.

    I'm on the Burn Phase (1st month) and there are 2 rest days, 3 weight work outs that are around 35-40 mins. There's a cardio day, recharge day (flexibility),10 mins abs. (After that is Push Phase, Lean Phase, Lean for Life Phase).

    There's a day with burn intervals which is cardio/weights...more for endurance than building strength.

    I'm enjoying it but I just started working out in Feb of this year and Chalene DVDs about a month ago. I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm trying to tone and build strength and endurance. Chalene Extreme seems to be working for me. I'm on to "Push Phase" in a few days.

    I started out with 30 day shred and using soup cans as weights. Still trying to build up strength but I can now use real weights ranging from 5 to 12lbs instead of soup cans. :)
  • garmfield
    I'm a huge fan of p90x, and I'm on my second round. I'm also a teambeachbody coach, and I've seen p90x transform many women in helping them to lose weight and tone up. I believe p90x is the best program out there for building muscle, and sculping your body. If interested in starting check out my thread.

    or for more information my website

  • winningat41
    I have done both P90X and Chalean Extreme and have found both to be awesome workouts. I do agree that P90X is tougher but I think that's because each workout is about an hour long whereas CE workouts are about 35 minutes. CE has less reps but you are doing each one ultra slowly which works your muscle just as hard as the added reps you'd be doing in P90X.

    Either program will meet your needs.
  • mazomama
    mazomama Posts: 138 Member
    ive never done chalean extreme ( i have chaleans other videos turbo fire) but i always use p90x as my go to videos for strength training. There long, but so worth the time you put in to them. They call it extreme because it is!!! Tony hortons a funny guy!!1