Does anyone else keep their weight loss a secret?



  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    My friends are supportive but I can identify with the mother stuff. My mother dwells in the hypochondriac land. She has had medical problems but consistently believes she has some horrible disease. She is 95 and has seen 4 of her five children, husband and all brothers and sisters die before her. For years it has been "well I don't think I'll be here next year (week, month, day...). My daighter and I have learned to laugh about it but sometimes she does still push a button or two.

    Shake your head and say "uh huh", then run home and get on the computer with your MFP friends!
  • carolinagirl919
    carolinagirl919 Posts: 54 Member
    Bumping for future reference.
  • mrshoffman07
    I do not tell any in my life outside of the house due to so many negative comments. For instance you run too fast or too slow. You should not be working out like that. Funny thing all the comments come from FAT people who do not workout. Why so negative? Life is one chane at least try to enjoy it no matter how much it can suck at times.