Balancing comfort, fuel and pleasure in food

fmktjod Posts: 49 Member
I like to think I've always been a relatively healthy eater both with my food choices and the amounts I consume. But over the last few years my balance with food has gotten off track and my eating habits leaned more toward emotional comfort seeking or reward and pleasure eating. Since joining MFP I've gotten a great deal more clarity around the food choices I make, gained a valuable amount of information about caloric intake vs. output and lost 10 pounds with the support and motivation from all the other members. I find great comfort in sharing my journey and connecting with others who are also struggling and succeeding to be healthy around food so today I wanted to reach out and share a bit of what is going on for me today around food and see if it might help anyone who relates and would love to hear experience others want to share.

The last few days I've noticed that I've been wanting more sugar, "treats" my mind says. You deserve it, you've worked hard, reward yourself. Justification chimes in "go ahead you have the extra calories to consume and it's a special occasion - don't worry about it you'll make it up in your work out tomorrow." Then the heavy hitters come out - "don't DEPRIVE yourself, enjoy life, it's not as if you are binging on a whole package of Oreo cookies or pints of ice cream". The last few days they have been winning out and I've found myself having "treats" here and there and for the most part being OK with it. But tomorrow is weigh in day for me and I also find myself hearing the voices of shame and regret creeping in - you shouldn't have had that chocolate cake or the extra goat cheese and you certainly didn't NEED the cocktail at dinner.

Well, that's where I am today - what is done is done and I can't go back and change my choices. Some days are better than others and I'm sure the pendulum will swing back again to eating healthy and thinking more positively. I do have faith in the process and am in it for the long hall so I know there will be ups and downs and like so many of life's other journeys it's not a linear path. My goal for my relationship with food is to make healthy choices 80-90% of the time, eat foods that fuel my body and delight my taste buds and to let go and enjoy (read guilt free) the times when I want a treat. Thanks for listening and sharing anything that you feel moved to share.