can anyone keep within the sugar goal on this thing?



  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    Good sugars still count because the body doesn't know the difference. When it comes to your blood sugar & insulin levels, all carbs are metabolized the same... what makes them good is that they are not EMPTY like... say... soda. They come packed with fiber & nutrients & enzymes that the body needs for overall health... everything from your skin, fingernails & hair to your metabolism, ability to turn calories into energy, & a well-functioning digestive system...

    Low carb breads, reduce potatoes and avoid EMPTY sugar calories...

    and watch your milk & cereal intake... a lot of carbs & sugar can end up in your breakfast & set u up for the day for a "sugar boost & crash" early & can send one into a binge, looking for more sugar... to counter-react to the boost in insulin... its a cycle that is hard to break...
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    Just as an additional remark - some things that have helped - I have cut out bananas, yogurt (yes even nonfat) and flavored oatmeal. I get plain oatmeal and add my own sugar/cinnamon. If u put 1 packet of sugar or splenda - its 3 grams vs the in the flavored. Sucks but it does the trick....

    Just the answer I was looking for. Based on everything I have learned about GI index and blood-sugar levels and heart disease, you have nailed the answer. I still eat bananas, but not everyday and when I do "treat" myself to one, I make sure it is a very small portion as in 1/2 of a small banana. I did, however, cut out pinapples except for about once or twice a year. My fav. fruits are berries and pears. I have also cut out yogurt. For me, that was a big waste of calories.
