CHEAT! Cheat! Cheatitie! Cheat!?

To have a Cheat day, or to not have a cheat day? What do you do?

If you do have a cheat day, How many cals over your normal intact?

Thanks everyone!


  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    Cheat implies that you're doing something wrong.

    If I've done really well, I will have a celebration meal. And I'll eat whatever I want, but I'll eat sloowwwly and really enjoy it. Usually some really big plate of full fat, creamy, cheesy pasta.

    And I do my best not to feel guilty, cause I've earned it.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    no cheat days..they ruin your diet. cals in cals out..we all know this. you can sabatoge your weight loss if you over eat here and there..its called binging..and if you binge on one day, you may end up eating all those cals back that you worked so hard to not eat or work off during the week. if anything..the best thing to do is eat those 'goodies' as a part of your regular diet..just stay under you cals. i have beer, cookies, pizza and eat what i want..i mean its healthy versions of course, but still tastes good. but i'm still within my cals each day.

    ps i dont feel deprived and dont feel the need to cheat. i'm already getting what i want
  • ImBabyBunny
    Thank you! I agree!
  • DancingFox
    DancingFox Posts: 88 Member
    I have no problem with cheat days, as long as they're within reason. I look at it this way- even Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig allow you to have cheat days and they're very successful programs!
    We usually order a pizza on our cheat days. Even then, I usually don't go over by more than 100-300 calories. It's mostly the sodium that I go over on. I just make sure I drink LOTS of water that day and the following one. :)
  • alohatoni
    No need to "cheat" on this program. As long as you stay within your alloted calories you're good to go. If you want more calories to play with - go play outside or in the gym and earn more! It's that simple...
  • DancingFox
    DancingFox Posts: 88 Member
    Also- I've used cheat days for when we go out to dinner for whatever reason or another. Sure, I could order 'smarter,' but....if we go to Red Lobster I can't pass up my lobster tails and crab legs! There's a good example.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    0-1000 over, once a week. I plan it in; It's not a "cheat".

    It won't "ruin your diet". That's like saying back when I was a fatso, if I ate at a deficit once a week it would ruin my fatness and I'd get all thin from my once a week "good day".
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    No cheating on my part. I eat whatever I want - but I just fit it in to my calorie goals. If I want something extra, I exercise to earn it - and it's a good feeling. I think it's a colossal waste of time to work hard to watch your calories all week and then erase all your hard work by pigging out for a day just so you can feel like you've indulged your naughty side. I eat chocolate almost every day, but it's not cheating. I fit it into my regular diet. No need to desire to cheat. :noway:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I allow myself to have a cheat day when I'm struggling with craving or want to binge on sugar. I figure if I've worked hard - you deserve a reward. So, I go ahead. Last cheat day, I only went over by a couple hundred and two days before that I had burned double my usual calories doing the treadmill AND Tae Bo. So. No guilt. I do log my cheat days though - just so I can see what all I've eaten.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    0-1000 over, once a week. I plan it in; It's not a "cheat".

    It won't "ruin your diet". That's like saying back when I was a fatso, if I ate at a deficit once a week it would ruin my fatness and I'd get all thin from my once a week "good day".

    I love your way of thinking! That's great and totally true!! :)
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Just fit whatever you're tempted to cheat with into your regular diet..if you go over one day from it.. acknowledge it, and maybe exercise a bit more the next day to work it off a bit
  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    0-1000 over, once a week. I plan it in; It's not a "cheat".

    It won't "ruin your diet". That's like saying back when I was a fatso, if I ate at a deficit once a week it would ruin my fatness and I'd get all thin from my once a week "good day".

    oh i like that statement... ruining the fatness with a good day ha ha ha
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    i prefer to call them "splurge days." :) i don't plan for them, but it happens once a month on average. i don't bother recording calories on these days, and i'd guess i go 1000-1500 calories over. my philosophy is to fit in a small treat daily, whether it's a piece of chocolate or a half-cup of ice cream. this way i won't feel deprived.
  • katnz17
    katnz17 Posts: 45
    I try not to have massive cheat days, unless it's a special occasion where it can't be avoided.

    Mostly I try to allow myself one day a week where I don't beat myself up if I go over my calories by a hundred or so. Generally it's just on the day one day of the week where I don't exercise and don't have those extra calories spare.
  • shortvixcen
    Wow.. I have been reading everyone post. Do I cheat? Yes, I sometimes crave some junk. I eat just enought to get rid of the craving. Then Im good..
  • lorisowers
    0-1000 over, once a week. I plan it in; It's not a "cheat".

    It won't "ruin your diet". That's like saying back when I was a fatso, if I ate at a deficit once a week it would ruin my fatness and I'd get all thin from my once a week "good day".

    I like that....makes total sense!!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    0-1000 over, once a week. I plan it in; It's not a "cheat".

    It won't "ruin your diet". That's like saying back when I was a fatso, if I ate at a deficit once a week it would ruin my fatness and I'd get all thin from my once a week "good day".

    That's great, I love the thought that I was occasionally ruining all my hard work to get fat with a healthy eating day!

    I don't like to call it cheating, I eat extras now and again and record the calories. To me that's not cheating, its part of living!
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I say no cheat day. Stick to a cheat meal but not the whole day.
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    I try to allow myself one day 2 days in the month where I close my eyes and eat those things that I have been craving, but have been really good about not eating. I try never to go more then 600 over my normal calorie count though.

    I also heard it also helps with confusing your body. It normally takes about 2 weeks for your body to adjust to new things. So it is good to shake things up once in a while, and boost your mood.
  • lesliekae
    lesliekae Posts: 57 Member
    0-1000 over, once a week. I plan it in; It's not a "cheat".

    It won't "ruin your diet". That's like saying back when I was a fatso, if I ate at a deficit once a week it would ruin my fatness and I'd get all thin from my once a week "good day".

    Ha! Brilliantly put.