good am!

kbella1218 Posts: 4 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
im a 34 yr old busy wife mom and work full time as a nurse. i had my baby boy in sept and now i've got 45 lbs to lose. sigh. here on fitness pal from the recommendation of a friend and i love it so far. i've only been doing it since monday but it really helps me keep track. i could really use some encouragement, esp on the exercise side of things, which i hate. thanks and have a great day!


  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    I've stopped forcing my boyfriend to drive me to the train station every morning. Now I walk the 2 miles there and back. Then I eat something as a treat, but never more than half of what I have earned in exercise. You'll need to find something that you enjoy - if the gym isn't your thing then you just will find reasons not to go. You could take the little boy for a walk, or even a swim?
  • kbella1218
    kbella1218 Posts: 4 Member
    i am ashamed to say i own a very nice ellptical sitting in my bedroom. i lost 60 lbs doing that alone about 4 yrs ago. now that the weather is nicer my dh & i are going to take lil guy for some walks. thanks for the reply
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