WATER (tap or bottled)



  • MrsZMartin
    MrsZMartin Posts: 165 Member
    Brita or tap every time!!! I avoid bottled water for multiple reasons. Brita just came out with a bottle that has a built in filter! Such a great idea.
  • ruffledviolet
    I gave up bottled water for the year of 2011. It is absolutely horrible for the planet. It wastes so much energy. It wastes loads of water to just produce one bottle. I could go on forever.
    I filter my tap now, but I used to always drink unfiltered tap and never had any health issues because of it.
    Unless you're in a third world country, there really is no reason to drink bottled. Don't fall into the marketing trap.

    CONGRATS!!! There is actually over a dozen areas between the US and Canada putting in place legislation to ban the sale of bottled water. THANK GOD! =0)

    TBH I really, really do not think sale of bottled water should be banned. It should certainly be available in case of emergency. Also, I think everyone has a right to make their own choices when it comes to their health. Yeah, I wish the sale of meat was banned, but who am I to say what others should and should not do. I just wish people actually investigated items like this and made educated decisions. People tend to be ignorant of the consequences of their actions as long as those actions are socially acceptable.