
Yogamom5 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I'm new to any online fitness community. I've thought about it many times in the past but never made the move. I fear that I will start but not follow through, as it seems a real "commitment". Although, I guess that's the problem, that's what I really need! I am desperate to lose weight. I stayed healthy after having four kids but now in the most recent year I have struggled with health issues, leading to struggles with emotions, leading to struggles with weight and eating :( . I am SO sad and frustrated with it and actually embarrassed and ashamed as well. I hope to find the strength I need here! Not sure where to go next here, but I will lurk around for a bit maybe and figure it out.


  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    I started by making this site my home page, then started tracking my foods , then started reading the posts and asking questions. I'm a week new and love it here. Best place to be in your goal achievement.
  • jeannas
    jeannas Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome, don't be nervous..we are a nice bunch. First thing, if you haven't done so already, fill out your profile so people can learn more about you. Add a picture when you get a chance :) . I am sure you will go on the message boards, please read the newbie helps with lots of questions.

    My best advice is to take one day at time...its a journey, not a race. You can do it. I have been on MFP since March 15 and have lost 15 pounds which I can't believe I accomplished.

    Feel free to friend me and ask any questions.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    Dont be nervous - leap in like we all did when we started!

    Here's a few tips:

    1) fill out your goals, dreams and people you admire!! Every time you log on you can read what you wrote and it will help you stick to your goals!

    2) be honest to yourself. If you ate badly, log it. If you exercised well, log it. Keep the records as accurate as you can so you can learn from it and grow.

    3) open your food diary to your friends (under foods then settings) so they can check on your accountability, and have friends who will do that for you! It makes you think twice about what you eat - because you have to log it if you are being honest! Many times I have thought about cake with coffee, only to think about logging it and opt for a banana instead!

    4) surround yourself with active people - get ideas on what they are doing, question them on their activities

    5) stay active with your friends! Talk to them, message them, they will become some of your closest allies on this journey!

    6) ENJOY MFP. Most of us are addicted to it and are here everyday for ourselves, and for our friends xx
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    First WELCOME, You have taken the first step to be healthy.....I understand what you are going through..My doctor told me I needed to loose weight because of High Blood Pressure and other helath issues ..It is a commitment but in the end it will all pay off:)
    Good Luck and feel free to add me we can support each other:)
  • Welcome to MFP. I hope you give it a chance to work. The program is the best and the support of the other people on here is amazing. Remember you are not alone we all are experiencing this together. You didnt gain the weight over night, dont expect to lose it overnight. Hope to see you around, and best of luck.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    My best advice is to take one day at time...its a journey, not a race. You can do it.

    Absolutely. Don't get hung up on the long term goal. Take it day by day, week by week.

    What worked this time for me was to throw myself into the message boards on MFP. By seeing other people going through the same struggles, it really helped me out this time around (as opposed to all of my other failed attempts). Also, when I am in need of real motivation to keep going, I look at the "Success Stories" board. When you see photos of someone who lost 50, 100, or 200 pounds on MFP, it helps me believe that I can really do this. Feel free to add me as a friend if you need support!
  • pilotdrew
    pilotdrew Posts: 14
    It works for me so far. In 2 weeks I've lost 4 pounds. Still eating plenty, just skipping on the binges and giant bowls of ice cream because I am accountable by entering everything I put in on here. Haven't worked out at all really yet. I have also upped my water from hardly none (drinking sodas, etc.) to 7-9 cups a day.

    MiO is a great new product for anybody that doesn't like to drink water. Just squirt in as much as you would like and it is like drinking Koolaid all day but with 0 calories.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Welcome, we don't bite - either Big Macs or New Members! :)
  • Shawneea
    Shawneea Posts: 27 Member
  • acchickpea
    acchickpea Posts: 43 Member
    What's there to be nervous about! All of us are here to burn the fat and lose the weight so you are in good hands! Just a little boost and the tools for tracking yout food intake and excercise are great to keep on top of.
    Have fun with it and think of it as a game.... Too much pressure will make it a chore......
    I'm a bit new here as well but found it to be great support and motivation! Normally I would set my excercise on the elliptical to one of my favorite shows.. Makes the workout go by much faster... At times I go a little bit longer on the elliptical b/c I wanted to finish out the show..... I've just started doing "P90x", "Insanity" and that was to switch up the routine a bit......
    Good Luck to you! Find that power to shed those pounds!!!!!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Welcome aboard! We all have our reasons for being here. I started this journey on March 12th of this year. A friend of mine started her weight loss journey using this site, and has lost almost 70 pounds so far. She was my inspiration. Having 3 kids myself, I don't have time to attend meetings, and buy "special foods". I figured what do I have to lose but weight?

    FF to now. I've lost 30 pounds, and now MAKE time to exercise 6x a week. It's not always easy, but every form of activity counts if calories are burned. A lot of people here have HRM(heart rate monitors). I bought a pedometer that tracks burned calories.

    Food tracking is very simple. Most common foods are already in the MFP food bank. I will say, I have noticed that MFP over exggerates calories burned unless you are a high burner. I go by what my elliptical says.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, if you'd like!!
  • Hi and welcome - I am 3 weeks into this and, like you, I thought it would be a commiment. But I am finding myself loving that - it doesnt need to feel like that - I want to see what is working and what is not. I love excersising and knowing I get to log it. Makes me feel good - and this site gives credit for everything...even housework - It is good to see. I have a long way to go but it helps to know that it gets easier the more I do it - I actually look forward to working out! Good luck to you!!
  • Walorie
    Walorie Posts: 44
    You have come to the right place. Once you forgive yourself for letting yourself will be able to move forward...and forgiving ourselves is one of the hardest things to do. We are our own worst critic. But we are so worth this journey...believing that you can go forward and become a better, healthier, stronger you is your starting point. This is a great place to be, I love reading the posts some days they are what gives me find that you are not alone. So lets move on to the rest of our lives! :flowerforyou:
  • don't be nervous! i am new to the site as well - but quickly found out there are plenty of ACTUAL people on here that are struggling with the same hang ups and issues. so do not feel embarrassed or weird - and do not worry about not being perfect! if we were perfect no one would need this. welcome to the club. you are going to be so proud of yourself when you look back in a few months!
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    welcome :flowerforyou:
    Don't be nervous. Just add us as friends and we will encourage each other to reach our goals. There are lots of good people on here all going through the same things.
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    Welcome - and good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Yogamom5
    Yogamom5 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you! All the great responses meant a lot to me! It's been a busy day and tomorrow's schedule is even busier...sigh....but I really do want to get moving on this! Hope to start logging by Sunday! :)
  • Don't be embarrassed or ashamed, this is a site full of people in your same position, friend some people and you'll have great support. Don't ever give up on yourself
  • jentidd
    jentidd Posts: 80
    well the funny thing is that we were all new here at some point! Me just this week, but I already love it. it seems we all have a lot in common around these parts! So welcome!
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