Overnight Gain

Ok.. can someone please help me figure out HOW after sleeping I gain .6 lbs?


Now before you all go into a "don't weigh yourself so much" lecture let me point out that I usually ONLY weigh myself on Friday's. In fact my Hubby hides my scale from me during the week and last night he took it out for this mornings "weigh-in"... being curious, because I, like a lot of you here, cannot resist that damn guilty sin of a scale... and I was the same. I was happy with that because with a few dinners I had this week, I was expecting a gain.

So I was satisfied because in ALL my experience before hubby started hiding the scale.. in the Morning I weighed a little less.. This of course was after my morning bathroom run and completely naked (as the night before).

So why did this morning I gain .6 lbs OVERNIGHT! Even after my potty break??


  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Maybe water retention, did you eat a lot of sodium yesterday?
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member

    You're not eating enough food ... If you diary from last night is right ... you only consumed 486 calories. You're starving yourself and not only is this going to cause weight gain ... you are going to ruin your health.
  • crystal10584
    sodium? I dunno. I didn't burn as many calories as I usually do and didn't get to 1200 intake and I gained... 0.8 (I also found out after the fact that the rub my boyfriend's dad used it's like 75% salt, so i'm sure my sodium intake was through the roof of what I normally have)
  • FlabtoFabChick
    What did you eat before bed? Also, did you get at least 7 - 8 hours of sleep?
  • istutzman
    istutzman Posts: 64
    Is it that time of the month? My friend would gain 4 pounds every time she had her period. Weird
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Weight fluctuates a ton even hour to hour. I wouldn't sweat it, esp since it's only half a pound.
  • ebadams86
    I weigh daily and weight can fluctuate sooo much do to water retention, monthly cycles, and even just from eating a larger meal the night before.
    FAKECED Posts: 61
    Karen is right. If you are not eating enough your body will store more fat and etc. Because it will tell itself it's saving it for later. Thats why its best to eat 5-6 small meals thru out the day. Your metabolism is probably at idle. Also I sometimes take protein (casein) before I go to bed so it can do it thing while I sleep since its a slow processing protein.
  • sheiple
    sheiple Posts: 2
    How do you track the P90x workouts in your exercise journal? How many calories do you think the workouts are?
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Ok, my Diary is not correct from last night because I didnt log my dinner. My husband made something but couldnt tell me how much of what was in it.. I was a little irritated at that.. so I at just a little of it.

    It is that time of month... (it has been for approx 1 month) I hate this.

    I didnt eat after I weighed myself.. and actually had an upset stomach last night... I litterally weighed, went to bed, then got up, pee'd, and weighed. Nothing went in.. only out.

    I guess I shouldnt worry about it that much. I was just confused. I drink TONS of water all day.. approx 10-12 cups a day.

    I know fluctuations are normal it just frustrated me. Trust me though, I will NEVER weigh before I go to bed again.
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    your food diary seems a little empty...maybe your body is storing up because it's not getting enough in?
  • KeyMasterOfGozer
    KeyMasterOfGozer Posts: 229 Member
    I don't think water retention could be what the OP is talking about. You can't make mass out of nothing, right? If you retain water, it doesn't just appear out of no where, you have to consume it somehow for it to be retained. I don't see what could cause it. My guesses:

    1) Something hinky with scale. Perhaps it read wrong the night before.
    2) You sleep Walk and either eat of drink.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Ok, my Diary is not correct from last night because I didnt log my dinner. My husband made something but couldnt tell me how much of what was in it.. I was a little irritated at that.. so I at just a little of it.

    It is that time of month... (it has been for approx 1 month) I hate this.

    I didnt eat after I weighed myself.. and actually had an upset stomach last night... I litterally weighed, went to bed, then got up, pee'd, and weighed. Nothing went in.. only out.

    I guess I shouldnt worry about it that much. I was just confused. I drink TONS of water all day.. approx 10-12 cups a day.

    I know fluctuations are normal it just frustrated me. Trust me though, I will NEVER weigh before I go to bed again.

    Your diary is consistently UNDER 1000 calories ... like WAY UNDER ... If you are not tracking all your food then THAT is also why you are gaining weight. You are on my friends list ... you KNOW what I constantly nag about, water, eating enough calories and watching your sodium ...

    You don't know why you are gaining weight, and if you ARE eating more then you are logging then THAT'S why ... Start logging all your food then ask this question so I (we) can give you a real answer
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I don't think water retention could be what the OP is talking about. You can't make mass out of nothing, right? If you retain water, it doesn't just appear out of no where, you have to consume it somehow for it to be retained. I don't see what could cause it. My guesses:

    1) Something hinky with scale. Perhaps it read wrong the night before.
    2) You sleep Walk and either eat of drink.

    water retention can happen if you don't drink enough water ... just sayin'
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    If I logged everything my diary would show a deficet of anywhere from 10-150 calories.. MAX and thats if I decide that I just don't feel like a skinny cow that night...

    When I leave the office (the only place I have a computer) I see how many calories I have to work with... as well as sodium and fat. Then when I go home I eat dinner accordingly.

    I am a "fat kid" so I eat almost everything I am allowed to eat... Trust me please.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    If your diary from days prior is correct, you are starving yourself. Meet, not "go under", your calorie goal and you'll see the weight come off. People might call it "survival mode" because it's a more pleasant euphamism for what you're actually doing to your brain, lungs, heart, muscles, tendons, bones, kidneys, liver, pancreas, and skin. You're starving yourself.

    Weight loss is NOT about cutting calories only. People who consistently overeat need to reduce caloric intake to a reasonable level. 700-800 calories is not reasonable. I hate to bring this up, but you're eating less than prisoners in the concentration camps in WWII. To lose weight, you need to feed yourself correctly. Your diet is at the other end of the extreme. Your body right now is saving every little bit of energy it can get because it's not getting enough to function every day. Weight loss is about giving your body what it needs, no more and no less, to function and move efficiently. A diet of 750 calories a day does not achieve that goal.

    Meet your calorie goals for a week. See how you feel. I can almost guarantee that your energy level will increase, your brain will work better, your muscles will feel stronger, and you'll see significant weight loss within a month.

    Good luck!
  • mallobeeee
    Weight fluctuates a ton even hour to hour. I wouldn't sweat it, esp since it's only half a pound.

    well said. your weight can fluctuate up to 2-3 lbs depending on your water intake or if you've went to the bathroom. plus .6 lbs is nothing. don't sweat it!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I somehow gained a kg overnight last night. I think scales just aren't as accurate as we think they are.
  • zoebea33
    zoebea33 Posts: 74 Member
    I somehow gained a kg overnight last night. I think scales just aren't as accurate as we think they are.

    I agree i had put on 2lb overnight, lots of ppl say ignore the scales and take your measurements instead x